Slovene-English Dual Text: Primož Roglič je Zmagovalec

By , 19 Jun 2018, 06:39 AM How to Slovenia
Primož Roglič Primož Roglič Screenshot from a YouTube video of stage 5

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Primož Roglič je znova zmagovalec dirke Po Sloveniji

Primož Roglič is again the winner of the Tour of Slovenia

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner

Čeprav se zna s kolesom voziti večina ljudi, kolesarjenje ni preprosto.

Although most people can ride a bicycle, cycling is not easy.

Se spomniš dne, ko so na tvojem kolesu prvič odstranili pomožna kolesca? Takrat si spoznala, da kolesar potrebuje ravnotežje. Ko si se prvič poskušala povzpeti na klanec, si ugotovila, da kolesar potrebuje tudi močne mišice. Ko pa si opravljala kolesarski izpit, ti je postalo jasno, da potrebuje tudi znanje.

Do you remember the day that your training wheel was removed on your bike for the first time? Then you realized that a rider needs balance. When you first attempted to climb a hill, you found that the rider also needs strong muscles. When you took a bicycle exam, it became clear to you that it also needed knowledge.

Vse to je dovolj za rekreativne kolesarje, profesionalni kolesarji pa potrebujejo še nekaj več: odlično telesno pripravljenost in kakovosten trening v dobri ekipi.

All this is enough for recreational cyclists, while professional riders need something more: outstanding fitness and good training in a good team.

Tudi v Sloveniji imamo nekaj kolesarjev, ki se s tem športom ukvarjajo profesionalno. Prejšnji teden so skupaj z drugimi najboljšimi kolesarji na svetu nastopili na 25. dirki Po Sloveniji.

There are some cyclists in Slovenia who are professionals in this sport. Last week, together with other top riders from around the world, they took part in the 25th Tour of Slovenia.

Kolesarje je vsak dan čakala drugačna preizkušnja oziroma etapa.

The cyclists faced a different challenge every day.

Prvi dan so kolesarili od Lendave do Murske Sobote (159 kilometrov), drugi dan od Maribora do Rogaške Slatine (152,7 kilometra), v petek od Slovenskih Konjic do Celja (175,7 kilometra), v soboto od Ljubljane do Kamnika (155,2 kilometra) in včeraj od Trebnjega do Novega mesta (21 kilometrov).

On the first day they cycled from Lendava to Murska Sobota (159 kilometres), the second day from Maribor to Rogaška Slatina (152.7 kilometres), on Friday from Slovenske Konjice to Celje (175.7 kilometres), on Saturday from Ljubljana to Kamnik (155.2 kilometres) and yesterday from Trebnje to Novo mesto (21 kilometres).

Za najzahtevnejšo velja sobotna četrta etapa, ki jo imenujejo tudi kraljevska. Takšno ime je dobila, ker morajo kolesarji v tej etapi premagati zelo strme dele poti.

The most demanding was Saturday’s fourth stage, also called the Royal. It got this name because cyclists must conquer some very steep parts of the route during this stage.

Udeležba kolesarjev na letošnji dirki Po Sloveniji je bila najštevilčnejša doslej. Sodelovalo je 21 ekip in 154 kolesarjev.

This year’s Tour of Slovenia had the most competitors ever. There were 21 teams and 154 riders involved.

Letos je bil najboljši v skupnem seštevku dirke 28-letni domačin Primož Roglič, ki je zmagal v četrti in peti etapi.

This year, 28-year-old Primož Roglič, who won the fourth and fifth stages, was the best rider overall in the race.

Primož se je v najstniških letih ukvarjal s smučarskimi skoki, kolesariti je začel leta 2012. Od takrat je nanizal veliko uspehov. Leta 2015 je prvič zmagal na dirki Po Sloveniji, njegov največji uspeh doslej pa je lanska zmaga na 17. etapi Dirke po Franciji.

In his teens, Primož was a ski jumper, and he began cycling in 2012. Since then, he has had many successes. In 2015, he won the Tour of Slovenia for the first time, and his greatest success so far is the last year's victory in the 17th stage of the Tour de France.

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