Slovene-English Dual Text: Zakaj Potrebujem Učitelja?

By , 11 Jun 2018, 10:45 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Zakaj Potrebujem Učitelja? NadineDoerle CC by 0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner

Zakaj potrebujem učitelja, če imam Google?

Why do I need a teacher if I have Google?

Junija je šolska torba res že zelo težka!

In June, school bags are really very heavy!

A tudi med šolskim letom se velikokrat zdi, da je treba v šolo odnesti čisto vse učbenike, delovne zvezke in učne pripomočke. Hrbti učencev se potem zvijajo pod težo bremena, ki visi na ramenih, in to seveda ni zdravo.

And even during the school year, it often seems that all your textbooks, workbooks and equipment need to be brought to school. The backs of the pupils then bend under the weight of the load hanging on their shoulders, and of course this is not healthy.

Na številnih šolah so se zato na svetih staršev v teh dneh pogovarjali, ali učenci res potrebujejo toliko delovnih zvezkov.

At many schools, therefore, parents are now talking about whether the students really need so many workbooks.

Udeleženci 28. otroškega parlamenta pa so predlagali, da bi namesto zvezkov, delovnih zvezkov in učbenikov v šolah uporabljali tablične računalnike.

Participants in the 28th Children's Parliament proposed that tablets be used instead of notebooks, workbooks and textbooks in schools.

Bi bilo to smiselno?

Would that make sense?

V nekaterih državah so tak način poučevanja že preizkusili.

In some countries, this type of teaching has already been tested.

»Ponekod so za nakup tehnološke opreme za učitelje in učence porabili ogromno denarja. A pozabili so, da morajo učitelji znati tehnologijo uporabljati tako, da bodo z njo učencem pomagali k boljšemu znanju,« pravi ugledni britanski strokovnjak za izobraževanje Ian Gilbert.

"In some places, a lot of money was spent buying technology for teachers and students. But they forgot that teachers should be able to use technology to help students improve their knowledge," notes renowned British education expert Ian Gilbert.

Tehnologija ne bo izginila, zato jo je smiselno vključevati v šolske sisteme. Toda pomembno je, kaj z njo storimo. »Tehnologija je samo orodje. Če ne znamo izkoristiti vseh njenih prednosti, ni smiselno trošiti denarja zanjo,« dodaja.

Technology will not disappear, so it's worthwhile integrating it into school systems. But what matters is what we do with it. "Technology is just a tool. If we cannot take advantage of all of its benefits, it's not worth spending money on it, " Ian adds.

V svoji knjigi Zakaj potrebujem učitelja, če imam Google? pojasnjuje, da je naloga učiteljev danes drugačna, kot je bila nekdaj. A še vedno je ta zelo velika!

His book Why Do I Need a Teacher When I Have a Google? explains that the task of teachers today is different than it used to be. But it's still very big!

Učitelji bi morali obvladati uporabo tehnologije, obenem pa nenehno preverjati, ali res prispeva k boljšemu znanju.

Teachers should master the use of technology while continually checking whether it really contributes to improving knowledge.

Vsej tehnologiji navkljub pa ne smemo pozabiti, da smo bitja narave, meni Gilbert.

Despite all the technology, we must not forget that we are natural beings, Gilbert says.

»Nujno potrebujemo čas brez ekranov, čas za druženje in čas za trenutke v naravi.«

"We urgently need time without screens, time to socialize and time for moments in nature."

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