Chef Ana Roš Releases First Book

By , 04 Sep 2020, 15:06 PM Made in Slovenia

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STA, 4 September 2020 - Slovenia's biggest star chef Ana Roš and publisher Beletrina have launched the Slovenian language version of Roš's personal monograph, called Sun and Rain (Sonce in Dež). Also available in English, this is the first book from the globally acclaimed chef, who said "writing it was akin to a psychoanalytical experience".

Roš, who was recently awarded two Michelin stars, said at Thursday's launch in Ljubljana that she felt few chefs had approached a book in a way that would reveal the key elements of cuisine.

"It is about the territory and the season, I will always promote that. What is meanwhile also very important is the chef's personality, just like is the case with sculptors, poets, writers, painters - you can provide them all with the same colours, stand and canvas, but each of them will create a different work," the Hiša Franko chef said.

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Roš, whose book includes contributions by journalist and translator Kaja Sajovic and 125 photos by Suzan Gabrijan, said Sun and Rain allowed clear insight into why she creates the way she does.

"Were I less truth-loving and dull, getting the essence of the book would be much harder," Roš said about the 256-page book, which was originally published in English by Phaidon.

"Read it, irrespective of the generation the reader belongs to, it will open a new perspective on somebody's work, while those dreaming of becoming a chef will definitely get a perspective on all the things that happen to an individual before they become truly formed," she added.

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