STA, 18 August 2022 - The government has approved a EUR 41 million package to help vulnerable households and individuals and the disabled get through the energy crisis this winter. Some 63,000 vulnerable individuals and 7,400 disabled will be eligible for one-off aid of EUR 200.
The package was presented at a press conference following the government's session on Thursday by Labour Minister Luka Mesec, who said EUR 27 million would be paid out this year and EUR 14 million next year.
He said the aid was targeted to help households at risk and the disabled. The former group includes some 54,000 recipients of welfare payments, including the working poor, and 9,000 pensioners whose income is so low they receive security allowance.
Mesec said the households comprising several vulnerable individuals would see the payments added up; a household that includes two individuals who are at risk or unemployed will get EUR 314. If they have a child they will get a further EUR 118 if the child is not included in organised care or education, and half that amount if her or she is.
The disabled will also get EUR 200 each. "If they live in a household that is at risk they will get the allowances they are entitled to as members of such households as well as the 200 euro allowance for the disabled," Mesec said.
"It is important that during the distribution period from 1 November to 31 March next year, we'll invite all those who are eligible for social aid but are not getting any to join the social security system. Analysis shows these are primarily people who live alone and are over 65 years of age. These are mostly women, many of whom don't not even know they are entitled to social aid or a security allowance," he said.
The one-off aid will be paid the same way as other welfare payments. The households will be able to spend the money whichever way they see fit.