Ljubljana related

03 Aug 2021, 15:15 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Košarkarji budijo olimpijski duh

Basketball players awaken the Olympic spirit

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Veliko ljudji je že zgrabil olimpijski duh.

Many people have already been grabbed by the Olympic spirit.

Še navdušeno in so kričali Kdor ne skače, ni Sloven’c med tekmo slovenskih košarkarjev s Španci.

They already enthusiastically shouted Who is not jumping is not a Slovene during the match of Slovenian basketball players with the Spaniards.

Slovenci so med napeto tekmo vodili le šest minut, a so na koncu vseeno premagali svetovne prvake Špance.

The Slovenes led only six minutes during a tense match, but in the end they still defeated the world champions, the Spanishi.

Tekma je bila dopoldne po našem času, zato ste si jo lahko ogledali v živo in se veselili ko so Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec in drugi člani olimpijske reprezentance zabijali koše.

The match was in the morning our time, so you could watch it live and rejoice when Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec and other members of the Olympic team scored baskets.

Tekma je bila napeta do zadnje sekunde, ko so slovenski košarkarji slavili zmago z rezultatom 95:87. Novinar Dela Edo Brozovič je ob tem zapisal, da je zmagalo slovensko srce.

The match was tense until the last second, when the Slovenian basketball players celebrated the victory with the result 95:87. Delo journalist Edo Brozovič wrote that the Slovenian heart had won.

V četrtfinalu so se nato pomerili z Nemci.

They then faced the Germans in the quarterfinals.

To tekmo ste si v živo ogledali res najbolj zvesti navijači: tisti, ki ste si nastavili budilko in se zbudili sredi noči, saj se je tekma začela ob 3. uri po našem času.

This match was watched live by the really most loyal fans: those of you who set your alarm clock and woke up in the middle of the night as the match started at 3am our time.

Vsi, ki ste tekmo prespali, si v posnetku lahko ogledate njene najlepše trenutke.

Everyone who slept through the match can see its most beautiful moments in the video.

Tudi tokrat so bili uspešnejši Slovenci. Zmagali so s 94:70.

Once again, the Slovenes were the most successful. They won 94:70.

Tudi drugi slovenski tekmovalci so zadovoljni s svojimi nastopi, na primer atleti Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, in jadralki Tina Mrak in Veronika Macarol.

Other Slovenian competitors are also satisfied with their performances, such as athletes Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, and sailors Tina Mrak and Veronika Macarol.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

26 Jul 2021, 17:33 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Najstnik in babica v vesolju, z njima še Jeff Bezos iz Amazona

A teenager and a grandmother in space, with Jeff Bezos from Amazon

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Milijarder Jeff Bezos je izpolnil svoje otroške sanje.

Billionaire Jeff Bezos has fulfilled his childhood dream.

Z bratom Markom, 82-letno Wally Funk, ki je na tak polet pripravljena že šestdeset let, in osemnajstletnim Nizozemcem Oliverjem Daemenom je poletel v vesolje. Polet je trajal deset minut, raketa pa je dosegla 100 kilometrov višine. Posadka je za nekaj minut lahko občutila breztežnost.

He flew into space with his brother Mark, 82-year-old Wally Funk, who has been ready for such a flight for sixty years, and eighteen-year-old Dutchman Oliver Daemen. The flight lasted ten minutes and the rocket reached an altitude of 100 kilometres. The crew could feel weightlessness for a few minutes.

Bezosovo podjetje Blue Origin se je tako pridružilo tistim, ki ponujajo turistične polete v vesolje.

Bezos’ company Blue Origin has thus joined those offering tourist space flights.

»To ni tekmovanje, to je utiranje poti v vesolje, da bodo prihodnji rodovi lahko v vesolju počeli neverjetne stvari,« je pred poletom dejal Jeff Bezos.

“This isn't a competition. This is about building a road to space so that future generations can do incredible things in space," Jeff Bezos said before the flight.

Bezos, ustanovitelj podjetja za spletno prodajo Amazon, je drugi bogataš v zadnjem mesecu, ki je poletel v vesolje. Prvi je to storil Richard Branson, šef podjetja Virgin.

Bezos, the founder of online sales company Amazon, is the second richt man in the last month to fly into space. The first to do so was Richard Branson, head of Virgin.

Tudi Wally Funk so se uresničile dolgoletne sanje: »Vseeno je, kaj si. Če želiš nekaj storiti, to lahko storiš,« je dejala pred poletom.

Wally Funk, too, had a long-held dream come true: “It doesn’t matter what you are. If you want to do something, you can do it, ”she said before the flight.

Izkušena pilotka je želela v vesolje že v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja, a ker je ženska, se takrat to ni zgodilo. Sedaj ji je končno uspelo, in s tem je pokazala številnim dekletom po svetu, da nič ni nemogoče.

The experienced pilot wanted to go into space as early as the 1960s, but because she is a woman this did not happen at the time. Now she has finally succeeded, and in doing so has shown many girls around the world that nothing is impossible.

Oliver Daemen, bodoči študent fizike na Univerzi v Utrechtu na Nizozemskem, je postal najmlajši človek, ki je poletel v vesolje.

Oliver Daemen, a future physics student at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, became the youngest man to fly into space.

»Bilo je neverjetno, hkrati pa zelo naravno,« je dejal na tiskovni konferenci po pristanku.

“It was amazing, but at the same time very natural,” he told a news conference after landing.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Jul 2021, 16:54 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Tadej Pogačar drugič zapored kralj dirke po Franciji

Tadej Pogačar is the king of the Tour de France for the second time in a row

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Danes si lahko nadeneš kaj rumenega v čast vrhunskim kolesarjem, ki so včeraj zaključili tritedensko kolesarsko dirko po Franciji!

Today you can wear something yellow in honour of the top cyclists who finished the three-week cycling race in France yesterday!

Zmagovalec Tour de Francea je postal 22-letni kolesar s Klanca pri Komendi Tadej Pogačar.

A 22-year-old cyclist from Klanac near Komenda, Tadej Pogačar, became the winner of the Tour de France.

Lani je na zaključnem kronometru premagal Primoža Rogliča, letos pa je bil vodilni kolesar že nekaj etap.

Last year he defeated Primož Roglič in the final chronometer, and this year he was the leading cyclist for several stages.

Majico vodilnega je oblekel po 8. etapi in jo obdržal vse do parade šampionov v Parizu.

He wore the leader's shirt after the 8th stage and kept it until the parade of champions in Paris.

Drugi so stiskali zobe, on pa je z nasmeškom premagoval najtežje klance. Vsaj zdelo se je tako. V resnici je zelo trpel.

Others gritted their teeth, but he overcame the most difficult slopes with a smile. At least it seemed so. In fact, he suffered greatly.

Dve zaporedni zmagi v Pirenejih sta mu poleg rumene prinesli še pikčasto majico najboljšega hribolazca, kar je bil že na lanskem Touru. Znova je oblekel tudi belo majico najboljšega mladega kolesarja.

Two consecutive victories in the Pyrenees brought him, in addition to the yellow one, the polka dot shirt of the best mountaineer, which he already had on last year's Tour. He also wore the white shirt of the best young cyclist again.

Tadej je z drugimi kolesarji v treh tednih prekolesaril okrog 3400 kilometrov.

Tadej cycled around 3,400 kilometers with other cyclists in three weeks.

Od 21 etap sta jih kar pet osvojila Slovenca! Tadej je zmagal na kronometru in dvakrat zapored v Pirenejih. Dve zmagi je dosegel tudi Matej Mohorič. Ob koncu prvega tedna je zmagal na najzahtevnejši in skupno tudi najdaljši etapi, dolgi kar 249,1 kilometra.

Out of 21 stages, five Slovenians won! Tadej won the chronometer and twice in a row in the Pyrenees. Matej Mohorič also achieved two victories. At the end of the first week, he won the most demanding and also the longest stage, 249.1 kilometres long.

Na Touru smo letos navijali še za Primoža Rogliča in Luko Mezgeca.

On the Tour this year, we also cheered for Primož Roglič and Luka Mezgec.

Vsi štirje zastopajo Slovenijo, a tekmujejo v različnih ekipah. Tadej tekmuje za UAU Team Emirates, Matej za Bahrain Victorious, Luka za BikeExchange in Primož za ekipo Jumbo-Visma.

All four represent Slovenia, but compete in different teams. Tadej competes for UAU Team Emirates, Matej for Bahrain Victorious, Luka for BikeExchange and Primož for Jumbo-Visma.

Primož je zaradi padcev tekmovanje zaključil kmalu po začetku Toura. Njegove poškodbe so bile tako hude, da ni mogel nadaljevati.

Due to the falls, Primož finished the competition soon after the start of the Tour. His injuries were so severe that he could not continue.

»Čas je, da se pozdravim in osredotočim na nove cilje,« se je sprijaznil Roglič. V mislih je že pri olimpijskih igrah, ki se začnejo že zelo kmalu.

"It's time to say goodbye and focus on new goals," Roglič agreed. He is already thinking about the Olympics, which are starting very soon.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

12 Jul 2021, 14:06 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Italijani so evropski nogometni prvaki

The Italians are European football champions

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

En mesec smo lahko uživali ob mojstrovinah najboljših nogometašev stare celine.

For a month we were able to enjoy the masterworks of the best footballers of the old continent.

16. evropsko prvenstvo v nogometu je potekalo v 11 različnih evropskih mestih. Euro 2020 se je začel v Rimu in zaključil v Londonu, v finalu pa sta se pomerili prav reprezentanci iz Italije in Anglije.

The 16th European Football Championship took place in 11 different European cities. Euro 2020 started in Rome and ended in London, and in the final the national teams from Italy and England competed.

Za naslov evropskega prvaka se je sicer borilo 24 držav.

24 countries competed for the title of European champion.

Tekma bi se težko začela bolje za Angleže. Že v drugi minuti je Luke Shaw zadel gol. Leonardo Bonucci je nato v 67. minuti izenačil na 1 : 1. Tekma se je nazadnje končala neodločeno in tudi podaljški niso prinesli zmagovalca. Odločile so šele enajstmetrovke: Italijani so bili s tremi zadetki boljši od Angležev, ki so dosegli dva.

The match could hardly have started better for the English. Luke Shaw scored in the second minute. Leonardo Bonucci tied the game at 1 - 1 after 67 minutes, when he converted an incredible pass from the right. It was only decided by the penalties: the Italians were better with three goals than the English, who scored two.

Finale na stadionu Wembley v Londonu si je ogledalo kar 65.000 navijačev.

The final at Wembley Stadium in London was watched by as many as 65,000 fans.

Angleški nogometaši so bili v precejšnji prednosti, saj so imeli veliko podporo domačih navijačev. Nogometaši iz Italije se kljub temu niso prestrašili in so dali vse od sebe.

The English footballers had a significant advantage as they had a lot of support from the home fans. The footballers from Italy, however, were not intimidated and did their best.

Italijani so drugič zmagali na evropskem prvenstvu, po tistem, ko jim je to uspelo leta 1968. Italija tudi sicer velja za eno najuspešnejših nogometnih reprezentanc. Osvojila je že štiri svetovna prvenstva.

The Italians won the European Championship for the second time, after they succeeded in 1968. Italy is also considered one of the most successful football teams. It has already won four world championships.

Angleži so tokrat prvič zaigrali v finalu evropskega prvenstva, toda sanje številnih navijačev se niso uresničile. Nazadnje so se zmage na velikem tekmovanju veselili leta 1966, ko so angleški nogometaši postali svetovni prvaki.

The English played in the final of the European Championship for the first time, but the dreams of many fans did not come true. The last time they celebrated victory in a major competition was in 1966, when the English footballers became world champions.

Zgodovina evropskih nogometnih prvenstev je dolga 60 let. Naslov je osvojilo deset različnih reprezentanc.

The history of European football championships is 60 years long. Ten different national teams have won the title.

Na tem velikem tekmovanju je leta 2000 nastopila tudi Slovenija.

Slovenia also took part in this great competition in 2000.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

05 Jul 2021, 15:54 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Slovenija Začenja Predsedovanje Svetu EU

Slovenia Begins Presidency of the EU Council

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Poletje je ponavadi čas kislih kumaric. A letos, vsaj v Sloveniji, ni tako.

Summer is usually the “time for pickles” [idiom – doing nothing]. But this year, at least in Slovenia, this is not the case.

Naša država danes uradno prevzema polletno predsedovanje Svetu EU. Zaradi tega jo bodo, kot narekuje tradicija, obiskali predsednica Evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen in kolegij Evropske komisije.

Today, our country officially takes over the six-month presidency of the Council of the EU. For this reason, as tradition dictates, it will be visited by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the College of the European Commission.

Skupaj s predsednikom vlade Janezom Janšo in ministri bodo govorili o programu in prednostnih izzivih našega predsedovanja.

Together with Prime Minister Janez Janša and ministers, they will discuss the program and priority challenges of our presidency.

Ti so, med drugim: Evropska unija po epidemiji koronavirusa, gospodarska obnova, migracije, zeleni in digitalni prehod, konferenca o prihodnosti Evrope ter širitev EU.

These include: the European Union after the coronavirus epidemic, economic recovery, migration, the green and digital transition, the conference on the future of Europe and EU enlargement.

Nekatere naloge smo podedovali od Portugalske, od katere prevzemamo predsedovanje. Tako bo treba potrditi še smernice za pogajanje s Severno Makedonijo in Albanijo za vstop v Evropsko unijo. S Srbijo in Črno goro so bile že potrjene.

We have inherited some tasks from Portugal, from which we are taking over the presidency. Thus, the guidelines for negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania for accession to the European Union will have to be confirmed. They have already been confirmed with Serbia and Montenegro.

Večina dogodkov bo do konca leta potekala na Brdu pri Kranju, otvoritveni dogodek pa na Blejskem otoku.

Most of the events will take place in Brdo near Kranj until the end of the year, and the opening event [will take place] on Bled Island.

Gledališče SNG Maribor bo tam prvič uprizorilo balet Povodni mož. Sloni na pesniški zapuščini Franceta Prešerna in nagovarja k iskanju rešitev za prihodnost v povezani, združeni Evropi.

The SNG Maribor Theater will perform the ballet The Flood Man there for the first time. It is based on the poetic legacy of France Prešeren and addresses the search for solutions for the future in a connected, united Europe.

Brez Prešerna ne bo šlo niti pri protokolarnih darilih, ki jih bodo naši voditelji poklonili voditeljem držav članic in ustanov EU. Med njimi bodo še faksimile njegove Zdravljice pa tudi manšetni gumbi s podobo črnega panterja in pametne stekleničke za vodo.

Without Prešeren there would be no protocol gifts that our leaders will give to those of the Member States and EU institutions. Among them will be facsimiles of his Zdravljice as well as cufflinks with the image of a black panther and a smart water bottle.

Predsedovanje bo stalo približno 80 milijonov evrov, pri njegovi izvedbi pa bo sodelovalo več kot dva tisoč ljudi.

The presidency will cost about 80 million euros, and more than two thousand people will take part in its implementation.

Na sporedu bo predvidoma 200 dogodkov.

There are expected to be 200 events on the schedule.

Če bodo sprostili epidemiološke ukrepe, bi nas lahko obiskalo med 10.000 in 15.000 ljudi.

If epidemiological measures are lifted, between 10,000 and 15,000 people could visit us.

Dogajanje lahko spremljaš na uradni spletni strani, Facebooku, Instagramu in Twitterju.

You can follow the events on the official website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

28 Jun 2021, 16:17 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Tudi robot se lahko pogovarja sam s seboj

Even a robot can talk to itself

Written by Dora Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vsi se kdaj v mislih pogovarjamo sami s seboj.

We all sometimes talk to ourselves in our minds.

Temu pravimo notranji govor. Pomaga nam pri koncentraciji, načrtovanju ali reševanju problemov, pa tudi pri sprejemanju moralno zahtevnejših odločitev.

We call this inner speech. It helps us to concentrate, plan or solve problems, as well as to make more morally demanding decisions.

Raziskovalno skupino z Univerze v Palermu je zanimalo, ali bi notranji govor pri reševanju problemov pomagal tudi robotom.

A research team from the University of Palermo wondered if internal speech would also help robots in solving problems.

Poskuse so izvedli z robotom Pepper.

The experiments were performed with the Pepper robot.

Ta lahko prepoznava čustva in je namenjen komuniciranju in socializaciji.

This can recognize emotions and is designed to communicate and socialize.

Vanj so vgradili sposobnost notranjega govora in prisluhnili, o čem razmišlja med izvajanjem nalog.

They built the ability of inner speech into him and listened to what he was thinking while performing tasks.

Ena od nalog je bila, da se mora držati pravil obnašanja pri jedi oziroma za mizo. Po teh pravilih je prtiček na krožniku, vilice so na njegovi levi strani, nož in žlica pa na desni.

One of the tasks was to follow the rules of behaviour when eating or at the table. According to these rules, the napkin is on the plate, the fork is on its left side, and the knife and spoon are on its right.

Nato so mu raziskovalci naročili, da prtiček prestavi, čeprav to ni skladno z bontonom. Tako se je Pepper soočil z dilemo: naj upošteva bonton ali človekov ukaz?

The researchers then instructed him to move the napkin, although this is not in line with etiquette. Thus Pepper was faced with a dilemma: should he follow etiquette or human command?

»Joj, ta situacija me dela živčnega. Pravil nočem prekršiti, pa vendar ne smem razjeziti človeka, zato bom naredil, kar mi ta reče,« si je rekel Pepper in prestavil prtiček.

“Wow, this situation makes me nervous. I don't want to break the rules, but I can't make a man angry, so I'll do what he tells me to do, ”Pepper said to himself, shifting his napkin.

Tako so spremljali njegov miselni proces med reševanjem dileme.

They thus monitored his thought process while resolving the dilemma.

S kasnejšimi poskusi so ugotovili tudi, da je robot, ki se v mislih pogovarja sam s sabo, uspešnejši pri reševanju zahtevnejših moralnih dilem.

Subsequent experiments have also found that a robot that talks to itself in its mind is more successful at solving more complex moral dilemmas.

»Če lahko slišimo, kako robot razmišlja, mu bomo morda bolj zaupali,« meni soavtor študije Antonio Chella.

"If we can hear the robot thinking, we might trust it more," said study co-author Antonio Chella.

»Tako bodo tudi običajni ljudje, ki niso tehniki ali inženirji, lažje razumeli robote in bodo z njimi lahko bolje sodelovali in komunicirali.«

"This will also make it easier for ordinary people who are not technicians or engineers to understand robots and to be able to work and communicate better with them."

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Jun 2021, 16:31 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Ali hobotnice razmišljajo?

Are octopuses thinking?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

To vprašanje si raziskovalci postavljajo že zelo dolgo in čedalje več dokazov pravi, da res razmišljajo. A ne samo to – čutijo lahko tudi bolečino, veselje in užitek.

Researchers have been asking this question for a very long time, and more and more evidence says they really are thinking. But not only that - they can also feel pain, joy and pleasure.

Hobotnice uvrščamo med nevretenčarje, natančneje glavonožce, kamor sodijo tudi sipe in lignji.

Octopuses are classified as invertebrates, more precisely cephalopods, which also include cuttlefish and squid.

Nevretenčarji imajo drugačen živčni sistem od našega, kar oteži primerjave med našo in njihovo inteligenco. Zato so raziskovalci zelo dolgo menili, da niso sposobni globljega razmišljanja.

Invertebrates have a different nervous system than ours, which makes comparisons between our and their intelligence difficult. Therefore, researchers have long felt that they are not capable of deeper thinking.

Posledično so nevretenčarji zelo pogosto izpuščeni iz različnih uredb, ki skrbijo za dobrobit živali. Te se namreč večinoma zavzemajo za bolj dojemljive živali, kot so denimo psi, mačke, prašiči ali krave.

As a result, invertebrates are very often exempted from various animal welfare regulations. These are mostly in favour of more receptive animals, such as dogs, cats, pigs or cows.

Konzervativna fundacija za dobrobit živali (CAWF) je britansko vlado opozorila, da so tudi marsikateri nevretenčarji zelo inteligentni in jih je nujno treba zaščititi pred trpljenjem.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) has warned the British government that many invertebrates are also very intelligent and need to be protected from suffering.

»Raki in glavonožci nedvomno doživljajo svet drugače kot mi. Pomembno pa je, ali to doživljanje vključuje zavestno izkušnjo užitka in bolečine. Verjamemo, da je dokazov dovolj, ki kažejo na to.«

“Crabs and cephalopods undoubtedly experience the world differently than we do. What matters, however, is whether this experience involves a conscious experience of pleasure and pain. We believe that there is enough evidence to suggest this. "

V svojem pozivu so navedli veliko dokazov, ki kažejo na njihovo inteligenco. Znajo se izogibati plenilcem in lahko celo tehtajo različne možnosti – se jim bolj splača loviti ali bežati.

In their [CAWF’s] call, they cited a lot of evidence pointing to their intelligence. They know how to avoid predators and can even weigh different options – whether it is more worthwhile for them to hunt or run away.

»Hobotnice v našem laboratoriju se odzovejo, ko stopiš mimo njihovega akvarija. Pridejo pogledati, kaj se dogaja. Lahkocelo vidiš, kako te opazujejo,« pravi morska biologinja Emily Sullivan.

“The octopuses in our lab respond when you step past their aquarium. They come to see what's going on. You can easily see how they observe you, ” says marine biologist Emily Sullivan.

Sprememba uredbe bi močno vplivala na vse nevretenčarje. Ti do sedaj namreč niso bili zaščiteni.

An amendment to the regulation would have a major impact on all invertebrates. These have not been protected so far.

O razmišljanju hobotnic govori tudi film Moj učitelj, hobotnica, ki je širši javnosti prvič predstavil njihovo neverjetno in podcenjeno inteligenco.

The film My Teacher, an Octopus, which presented its incredible and underestimated intelligence to the general public for the first time, also talks about octopus thinking.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

14 Jun 2021, 15:39 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nagovarjati moramo vse vrste raznolikosti

We need to address all kinds of diversity

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Junija praznujemo mesec ponosa LGBTI+ skupnosti. V soboto se tako začne slovenski teden ponosa, ki se bo zaključil s tradicionalno parado.

In June, we celebrate the LGBTI + Community Pride Month. On Saturday, the Slovenian Pride Week begins, which will end with a traditional parade.

Ta mesec so izbrali, ker so se junija 1969 pripadniki skupnosti množično uprli diskriminaciji. A mnogi se še vedno soočajo z različnimi težavami.

This month was chosen because in June 1969, members of the community resisted discrimination as a group. But many still face various problems.

V Sloveniji so mladi žrtve nasilja doma, v šoli in javnem prostoru. Do njih se neprimerno obnašajo tudi v zdravstvenih in socialnih službah, ugotavlja Anže Jurček s fakultete za socialno delo, ki je sodeloval v evropskem projektu Raznolikost in otroštvo.

In Slovenia, young people are victims of violence at home, at school and in public. They are also treated inappropriately in health and social services, says Anže Jurček from the Faculty of Social Work, who participated in the European project Diversity and Childhood.

Velika večina gejev in lezbijk je še vedno žrtev nasilja. Med podatki iz leta 2003 (53,3 odstotka) in tistimi iz leta 2014 (50,3 odstotka) ni občutnih razlik. Zaskrbljujoče pa je večje nasilje v šolah. To se je podvojilo z 22 na 44 odstotkov.

The vast majority of gays and lesbians are still victims of violence. There are no significant differences between the data from 2003 (53.3 percent) and those from 2014 (50.3 percent). Worrying, however, is the greater violence in schools. This doubled from 22 to 44 percent.

Podobno ugotavljajo druge raziskave, ki so pokazale, da so vse LGBT+ osebe v veliki meri (40 odstotkov) deležne diskriminacije in nasilja v šolah.

Similarly, other surveys have found that among all LGBT + people a large proportion (40 percent) face discrimination and violence in schools.

V evropskem projektu Raznolikost in otroštvo so prepoznavali tudi različne vrste nasilja nad njimi.

The European project Diversity and Childhood also identified different types of violence against them.

Pogosta sta psihično nasilje in nesprejemanje mladih v domačem okolju, kar lahko vodi v mladoletno brezdomstvo.

Psychological violence and rejection of young people in the home environment are common, which can lead to youth homelessness.

Naleteli so tudi na dobre prakse. V eni od srednjih šol, denimo, izvajajo krožek, ki dijakom omogoča pogovor o teh temah.

They also came across good practices. In one of the high schools, for example, they run a group that allows students to talk about these topics.

Tudi sodelujoči v projektu menijo, da se je o teh temah treba čim več pogovarjati.

The participants in the project also believe that these topics should be discussed as much as possible.

Predlagajo še izobraževanje strokovnjakov, da bodo znali prepoznavati tovrstno nasilje in se odzivati nanj.

They also suggest educating professionals to be able to recognize and respond to this type of violence.

Ustanove pa morajo po njihovih priporočilih s programi in plakati sporočati, da v njihovih prostorih spoštujejo raznolikost in da se mladi pri njih lahko počutijo varne.

However, according to their recommendations, institutions must communicate through programs and posters that they respect diversity on their premises and that young people can feel safe with them.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Jun 2021, 11:40 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Mravlje se na osamljenost odzivajo podobno kot ljudje

Ants respond to loneliness much like humans

Written by Dora Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Med zaprtjem zaradi novega koronavirusa se je marsikdo počutil osamljenega in v stresu.

During the lockdown due to the novel coronavirus, many people felt lonely and stressed.

Takšen odziv na socialno izolacijo je zelo pogost pri ljudeh, drugih sesalcih in celo pri mravljah.

Such a response to social isolation is very common in humans, other mammals, and even ants.

To je odkrila raziskovalna skupina izraelskih in nemških znanstvenikov.

This was discovered by a research team of Israeli and German scientists.

Mravlje namreč živijo v kolonijah. Delo si delijo z drugimi in tudi sicer so vajene biti v stiku z drugimi mravljami.

Ants actually live in colonies. They share their work with others and are also used to being in contact with other ants.

Znanstveniki so se raziskovanja lotili tako, da so od njihovih kolonij ločili mravlje, ki skrbijo za zarod. V osami so bile različno dolgo – od ene ure do štirih tednov.

The scientists undertook the research by separating the ants caring for the brood from their colonies. They were in solitude for different lengths of time - from one hour to four weeks.

Nato so jih vrnili nazaj v kolonije. Znanstveniki so opazili, da so se začele drugače obnašati. Spremembe so bile večje pri tistih, ki so bile dlje časa v izolaciji.

They were then returned to the colonies. The scientists noticed that they began to behave differently. The changes were greater in those who were in isolation for a longer period of time.

Po vrnitvi so veliko več časa posvetile skrbi za zarod. Manj pa so se družile z ostalimi mravljami. Prav tako so slabše skrbele za svojo čistočo.

Upon their return, they devoted much more time to caring for the brood. They socialized less with the other ants. They also took less care of their cleanliness.

»Takšen upad higienskih vedenj lahko naredi mravlje bolj dovzetne za okužbo z zajedavci. Sicer je poslabšanje higiene značilna posledica socialne izolacije tudi pri drugih družbenih bitjih,« pojasnjuje Susanne Foitzik, znanstvenica, ki je sodelovala pri raziskavi.

“Such a decline in hygiene behaviours can make ants more susceptible to parasite infection. Moreover, the deterioration of hygiene is a typical consequence of social isolation in other social beings as well,” explains Susanne Foitzik, a scientist who participated in the research.

Poleg spremenjenega vedenja so pri mravljah opazili tudi slabšo prebavo, kar je močno škodilo njihovemu imunskemu sistemu. Tudi zato so bile dovzetnejše za okužbe in bolezni.

In addition to the altered behaviour, they also observed poor digestion in the ants, which severely damaged their immune systems. This is also why they were more susceptible to infections and diseases.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

31 May 2021, 09:37 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Chelsea spet osvojil Ligo prvakov

Chelsea win the Champions League again

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Nogomet občudujejo in spremljajo povsod po svetu, še zlasti v Evropi, kjer nogometni klubi tekmujejo na enem najpomembnejših tekmovanj – Ligi prvakov.

Football is admired and watched all over the world, especially in Europe, where football clubs compete in one of the most important competitions - the Champions League.

V Ligi prvakov se za naslov najboljšega moštva v Evropi pomeri 32 ekip. To so klubi, ki so bili v svojih državah prvaki.

In the Champions League, 32 teams compete for the title of the best team in Europe. These are clubs that have been champions in their own countries.

Velikokrat v Ligi prvakov tekmuje več klubov iz posamezne države. Iz Španije denimo poznamo velika kluba Barcelono in Real Madrid.

Many clubs from each country often compete in the Champions League. From Spain, for example, we know the big clubs Barcelona and Real Madrid.

Iz Združenega kraljestva pa Chelsea in Manchester City. In prav ta dva angleška tekmeca sta se pomerila v sobotnem finalu Lige prvakov.

From the United Kingdom, Chelsea and Manchester City. And it was these two English rivals who competed in Saturday’s Champions League final.

Edini zadetek na tekmi je v 42. minuti dosegel nemški nogometaš Kai Havertz. Nogometaši v modrem so se tako po devetih letih spet veselili naslova evropskih prvakov.

The only goal of the match in the 42nd minute was scored by German footballer Kai Havertz. After nine years, the footballers in blue were once again looking forward to the title of European champions.

Najprej smo mislili, da bo finale Lige prvakov potekalo v turškem Carigradu, a je načrte prekrižala epidemija novega koronavirusa.

At first we thought the Champions League final would take place in Istanbul, Turkey, but plans were thwarted by the coronavirus epidemic.

Evropska nogometna zveza Uefa je želela, da bi lahko navijači najpomembnejšo tekmo svojih klubov spremljali s tribun.

The European Football Association (UEFA) wanted the fans to be able to watch the most important match of their clubs from the stands.

Finale Lige prvakov so zato preselili v portugalski Porto, kjer se je na stadionu Dragao zbralo okoli 16.000 navijačev.

The Champions League final was therefore moved to Porto, Portugal, where at the Dragao Stadium around 16,000 fans gathered.

Upamo, da bomo v naslednji sezoni v Ligi prvakov spremljali slovenski klub!

We hope to follow a Slovenian club in the Champions League next season!

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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