Ljubljana related

06 Jun 2022, 11:10 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Z Elizabeto II. je slavilo celotno kraljestvo

The whole kingdom celebrated with Elizabeth II

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Kralje in kraljice, prince in princese verjetno poznaš samo iz pravljic.

You probably only know kings and queens, princes and princesses from fairy tales.

Vendar niso tako redki niti v resničnem svetu. V Evropi je še vedno veliko kraljevih družin, ki pa imajo v družbi bolj ali manj samo še simbolno vlogo.

However, they are not so rare even in the real world. There are still many royal families in Europe, but they have more or less only a symbolic role in society.

Ena najbolj prepoznavnih je angleška kraljeva družina, katere vodja – kraljica Elizabeta II. – letos praznuje kar 70 let na prestolu! To pomeni, da je najdlje na čelu v vsej zgodovini britanske monarhije.

One of the most recognizable is the British royal family, whose leader - Queen Elizabeth II - celebrates 70 years on the throne this year! This is the longest in the entire history of the British monarchy.

V Združenem kraljestvu so včeraj zaključili štiridnevno slavje. V četrtek in petek so imeli celo dela prost dan.

A four-day celebration ended in the UK yesterday. They even had a day off on Thursday and Friday.

Na ulicah se je zbralo nekaj milijonov ljudi, po državi pa je potekalo vsaj 16.000 dogodkov.

Several million people gathered in the streets, and at least 16,000 events took place across the country.

Na sobotni paradi je bilo 1500 vojakov, 250 konjev, nekaj 100 glasbenikov in več kot 70 letal.

Saturday’s parade featured 1,500 soldiers, 250 horses, some 100 musicians and more than 70 aircraft.

Na sporedu je bila platinasta zabava, na kateri so pred 22.000-glavo množico nastopili številni zvezdniki. Polovico udeležencev so izbrali z žrebom. Za konec so včeraj imeli slavnostni sprevod.

A platinum party was on the agenda, with many celebrities performing in front of a 22,000-strong crowd. Half of the audience were chosen by a lottery. To end it all, they had a gala procession yesterday.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

30 May 2022, 15:37 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Poslanci izvolili Roberta Goloba za predsednika vlade

Deputies elect Robert Golob as Prime Minister

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dobili smo novega predsednika vlade!

We got a new prime minister!

Po Janezu Janši (SDS) je to mesto sinoči prevzel Robert Golob, predsednik Gibanja Svoboda.

According to Janez Janša (SDS), Robert Golob, president of the Svoboda Movement, took over this position last night.

Na to mesto ga je po pogovoru s strankami predlagal predsednik republike Borut Pahor.

After talks with the parties, he was nominated for the post by the President of the Republic, Borut Pahor.

Po tajni izvolitvi je zaprisegel pred državnim zborom. S tem je postal mandatar.

After the secret ballot, he was sworn in before the National Assembly. With that, he became prime minister.

Zahvalil se je za podporo ter dobronamerne in tudi manj dobronamerne besede, ki so v peturni razpravi prihajale večinoma iz vrst opozicije.

He thanked people for their support and good wishes, as well as for some less kind words, which in the five-hour debate came mostly from the opposition.

Golob, ki je napovedal, da bo vlado vodil dva mandata, je poudaril, da morajo do javnega zdravstvenega sistema imeti dostop prav vsi državljani.

Golob, who announced that he would lead the government for two terms, emphasised that all citizens must have access to the public health system.

Imamo tri prioritete: socialno pravičnost, solidarnost in na znanju temelječo družbo. – Robert Golob

We have three priorities: social justice, solidarity and a knowledge-based society. – Robert Golob

Prav tako je povedal, da bodo energetsko in prehransko draginjo omejili že do letošnje jeseni. Ne želijo namreč, da bi ljudje zaradi podražitev bili predolgo v negotovosti.

He also said that energy and food costs would be limited by this autumn. They do not want people to be living in uncertainty for too long because of price increases.

Posvetili se bodo še digitalizaciji.

They will also focus on digitization.

Golob zaradi svoje izvolitve na mesto predsednika vlade ne more več delati kot poslanec. Zdaj bo morala državna volilna komisija sporočiti, kdo je na listi Gibanja Svoboda za njim osvojil največ glasov.

Due to his election as Prime Minister, Golob can no longer work as an MP. Now the state election commission will have to announce who won the most votes on the list of the Freedom Movement behind him.

Ta oseba bo tako prevzela njegov sedež v državnem zboru. Predvidoma bo to Bojan Čebela.

This person will thus take over his seat in the National Assembly. It is expected to be Bojan Čebela.

Poslanci so sinoči izvolili še drugo podpredsednico državnega zbora. To je s 52 glasovi postala Nataša Sukič (Levica).

Last night, the deputies elected another vice-president of the National Assembly. Nataša Sukič (Levica / Left) won with 52 votes.

Obenem so oblikovali še preostalih 19 delovnih teles, ki delujejo v državnem zboru. Od tega je 6 komisij in 13 odborov.

At the same time, they formed the remaining 19 working bodies operating in the National Assembly. Of these, six are commissions and 13 committees.

Golob je že sinoči v državni zbor vložil listo ministrskih kandidatov.

Last night, Golob submitted a list of ministerial candidates to the National Assembly.

Nekatere od njih bodo poslanci na posameznih odborih najverjetneje zaslišali že jutri.

Some of them will most likely be heard by members of individual committees tomorrow.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

23 May 2022, 12:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Čebelice, čebelice, saj moje ste prijateljice …

Bees, bees, you are my friends…

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Te dni lahko opazuješ nepokošene travnike. Ali veš, zakaj je tako?

These days you can notice unmown meadows. Do you know why that is?

Ponekod, denimo v ljubljanskem parku Tivoli, posebne table oznanjajo, da jih bodo pokosili, ko se bodo čebelice najedle.

In some places, such as Ljubljana's Tivoli Park, special signs announce that they will be mowed when the bees have eaten.

Te prav jutri praznujejo tudi svoj dan.

They are also celebrating their day tomorrow.

Leta 2015 so namreč na pobudo slovenskih čebelarjev razglasili 20. maj za svetovni dan čebel. Namenjen je ozaveščanju o njihovi vlogi, spominja pa nas tudi na to, da jih moramo zaščititi.

In 2015, at the initiative of Slovenian beekeepers, May 20 was declared World Bee Day. It is designed to raise awareness of their role, but it also reminds us that we need to protect them.

»Te dni tako razpravljamo o rešitvah za obstoj in krepitev številčnosti čebel ter drugih opraševalcev,« pravi Lidija Senič iz Čebelarske zveze Slovenije.

"These days we are discussing solutions for the survival and strengthening of the number of bees and other pollinators," says Lidija Senič from the Slovenian Beekeepers' Association.

Predvsem mladim želijo predstaviti pomembnost opraševalcev, njihove zaščite in jih naučiti veščin čebelarjenja.

In particular, they want to introduce young people to the importance of pollinators, their protection and teach them beekeeping skills.

»Čebele in drugi opraševalci skrbijo za biotsko raznovrstnost, so kazalniki čistosti okolja, z njihovo pomočjo pa si lahko prizadevamo za zmanjševanje lakote,« dodaja Lidija Senič.

"Bees and other pollinators care about biodiversity, are indicators of environmental cleanliness, and with their help we can work to reduce hunger," adds Lidija Senič

»Skrbijo namreč za opraševanje žužkocvetnih rastlin, kar je povezano s pridelavo hrane.«

"They take care of pollinating flowering plants, which is related to food production."

Čebele so ogrožene, saj globalno segrevanje, onesnaževanje okolja in intenzivno kmetijstvo omejujejo njihove vire hrane in jih spravljajo v stres.

Bees are at risk as global warming, environmental pollution and intensive agriculture limit their food resources and put them under stress.

V Sloveniji imamo tudi avtohtono kranjsko čebelo (Apis mellifera carnica), ki slovi kot delovna in odporna žival z odličnim smislom za orientacijo.

In Slovenia we also have the autochthonous Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica), which is famous as a hard-working and resistant animal, with an excellent sense of orientation.

Na splošno čebele veljajo za izjemno pametne živali. Še posebej značilen je čebelji ples, s katerim si med seboj sporočajo, kje se nahaja vir hrane, pri tem pa se orientirajo glede na položaj Sonca.

In general, bees are considered to be extremely smart animals. Bee dancing is especially characteristic, with which they communicate to each other where the food source is located, while orienting themselves according to the position of the Sun.

Svetovni dan čebel bodo letos obeležili tudi na Prvem programu Radia Slovenija. V oddaji Lahko noč, otroci! med 16. in 22. majem zvočno uprizarjajo nove zgodbe iz knjižne zbirke Čebelica. Cikel bo posvečen Eli Peroci ob 100. obletnici njenega rojstva.

This year, World Bee Day will also be celebrated on the “First Program” of Radio Slovenia. In the show Good Night, Children! between 16 and 22 May, they are presenting new stories from the Čebelica series of books. The cycle will be dedicated to Eli Peroci on the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

16 May 2022, 14:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nova vlada bo imela več ministrstev. Kdo jih bo vodil?

The new government will have several ministries. Who will lead them?

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Znani so prvi obrisi nove vlade!

The first outlines of the new government are known!

Predsednik Gibanja Svoboda (GS) Robert Golob je zvečer predstavil imena kandidatov za ministre.

In the evening, the president of the Freedom Movement (GS), Robert Golob, presented the names of the candidates for ministers.

Njegova vlada bo sicer imela tri podpredsednike. Poleg predsednikov SD in Levice, ki bodo del vlade, Tanje Fajon in Luke Mesca, bo tretje mesto prevzel zdravnik Danijel Bešič Loredan iz Gibanja Svoboda. Ta bo hkrati postal minister za zdravje.

His government will have three vice presidents. In addition to the presidents of SD and Levica, who will be part of the government, Tanja Fajon and Luka Mesca, the third place will be taken by Dr Danijel Bešič Loredan from the Svoboda Movement. He will also become Minister of Health at the same time.

Dobili bomo tudi tri nova ministrstva, in sicer za:

  • solidarno prihodnost, ki se bo ukvarjalo s stanovanjsko politiko ter dolgotrajno oskrbo in ga bo vodil Luka Mesec,
  • podnebje in energijo, ki ga bo vodil Bojan Kumer,
  • visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije, ki ga bo vodil Igor Papič.

We will also get three new ministries, namely:

  • Solidarity Future, which will deal with housing policy and long-term care and will be led by Luka Mesec,
  • Climate and Energy, led by Bojan Kumer,
  • Higher Education, Science and Innovation, led by Igor Papič.

Vsega skupaj bo tako 19 ministrstev in še eno dodatno, ki bo skrbelo za Slovence in zamejce po svetu. Tega bo prevzel generalni sekretar GS Matej Arčon.

In total, there will be 19 ministries and one additional one that will take care of Slovenes abroad. This will be taken over by the Secretary General of the General Assembly Matej Arčon.

“Namen novih ministrstev je, da imamo bolj jasne cilje na področjih, na katerih želimo hitre spremembe.” – Robert Golob, predsednik Gibanja Svoboda

“The purpose of the new ministries is to have clearer goals in areas where we want rapid change.” – Robert Golob, President of the Freedom Movement

Državotvorna ministrstva bodo vodili:

Tanja Fajon za zunanje in evropske zadeve,

Tatjana Bobnar (nekdanja direktorica policije) za notranje zadeve,

The state-building ministries will be headed by:

Marjan Šarec za obrambo.

Tanja Fajon for Foreign and European Affairs,

Tatjana Bobnar (former director of police) for internal affairs,

Marjan Šarec for defence.

Ministrska mesta bodo prevzeli še:

Alenka Bratušek za infrastrukturo,

Klemen Boštjančič za finance,

Amalija Žakelj za vzgojo in šolstvo,

Uroš Brežan za varstvo narave in okolja,

Dominika Švarc Pipan za pravosodje,

Sanja Ajanovič Hovnik za javno upravo,

Matjaž Han za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport.

Ministerial posts will also be taken over by:

Alenka Bratušek for infrastructure,

  • Klemen Boštjančič for Finance,
  • Amalija Žakelj for education,
  • Uroš Brežan for the protection of nature and the environment,
  • Dominika Švarc Pipan for Justice,
  • Sanja Ajanovič Hovnik for Public Administration,
  • Matjaž Han for economy, tourism and sports.

Nekdanja predsednika vlade Marjan Šarec in Alenka Bratušek s svojima strankama LMŠ in SAB nista bila izvoljena v državni zbor. V vlado jih je povabilo Gibanje Svoboda.

Former Prime Ministers Marjan Šarec and Alenka Bratušek and their parties LMŠ and SAB were not elected to the National Assembly. They were invited to the government by the Freedom Movement.

Ta konec tedna se bodo dogovorili še za preostale ministrske kandidate, med drugim za digitalno preobrazbo, delo, kulturo in kmetijstvo.

This weekend, they will agree on the remaining ministerial candidates, including for digital transformation, labour, culture and agriculture.

Uskladili so že osnutek koalicijske pogodbe.

They have already agreed on a draft coalition agreement.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 May 2022, 15:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kaj že vemo o bodoči vladi?

What do we already know about the future government?

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Od volitev sta minila skoraj dva tedna in kaj kmalu po znanih izidih so se med strankami začela pogajanja o novi vladi.

Almost two weeks have passed since the elections and soon after the results were known, negotiations on a new government began between the parties.

Predsednik zmagovite stranke Gibanje Svoboda Robert Golob je napovedal, da jo bodo sestavili v rekordnem roku.

The president of the winning Freedom Movement party, Robert Golob, has announced that it will be assembled in record time.

To pomeni, da jo namerava oblikovati še hitreje, kot je to leta 1990 uspelo Lojzetu Peterletu – za to je potreboval pičlih 34 dni.

This means that he intends to put it together even faster than Lojze Peterle managed in 1990 - it took him just 34 days.

Kdo bo sodeloval v Golobovi vladi?

Who will participate in Golob's government?

V državni zbor so se poleg Gibanja Svoboda uvrstili še SDS, NSi, SD in Levica, a sta vabilo na pogajanja dobili le zadnji dve stranki.

In addition to the Freedom Movement, the SDS, NSi, SD and Levica also joined the National Assembly, but only the last two parties were invited to the negotiations.

Tri ministrska mesta bo tako predvidoma dobila Levica, štiri SD, vse ostale pa Gibanje Svoboda. Kakšno bo končno število ministrstev, še ni znano, vemo pa že, da jih bo več, kot jih je sedaj.

Three ministerial posts are expected to be won by Levica, four by the SD, and all others by the Freedom Movement. It is not yet known what the final number of ministries will be, but we already know that there will be more than there are now.

Verjetno bodo nekatera na novo oblikovali ter odprli štiri nova, je včeraj po koalicijskih usklajevanjih povedal Golob.

Some will probably be reorganized and four new ones opened, Golob said yesterday after a coalition coordination meeting.

“Prepričan sem, da živimo v časih, ko bomo morali začeti izvajati spremembe, ker nas k temu priganja čas. Sprememb pa, ne da v to nekaj vložiš, ne moreš izvajati niti v politiki.”

“I am convinced that we are living in a time when we will have to start implementing change, because time is pushing us to do so. But you can't make changes in politics without investing in it.”

Izpostavil je, da se bo njegova vlada posebej posvetila podnebni politiki, medgeneracijski solidarnosti, digitalizaciji in regionalnemu razvoju.

He pointed out that his government would pay special attention to climate policy, intergenerational solidarity, digitalization and regional development.

Katera ministrstva bo dobila katera stranka, bomo izvedeli v sredo. Takrat bo znano tudi, kdo so kandidati in kandidatke za njihovo vodenje.

We will find out on Wednesday which ministries will get which party. At that time, it will also be known who the candidates for leading them are.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

25 Apr 2022, 16:21 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Investirajmo v svoj planet

Let's invest in our planet

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

22. aprila je Dan Zemlje. Letos poteka pod geslom Investirajmo v svoj planet.

April 22 is Earth Day. This year it is held under the motto Let's invest in our planet.

To pomeni, da moramo vložiti svoj denar, pa tudi svoja dejanja, v bolj zeleno prihodnost planeta.

This means that we need to invest our money, as well as our actions, in the greener future of the planet.

Velika podjetja so med največjimi onesnaževalci, ker pogosto na prvo mesto postavljajo dobiček in ne okolja.

Large companies are among the biggest polluters because they often put profit first and not the environment.

Neekološki materiali so običajno cenejši od ekoloških.

Non-organic materials are usually cheaper than organic ones.

Za pridobivanje ekoloških materialov pa moramo imeti tudi malce domišljije. Nekatera podjetja so se denimo domislila različnih izdelkov iz gliv.

But we also need to have a little imagination to get organic materials. For example, some companies have come up with different fungal products.

Goba, ki jo vidiš v gozdu, se ti verjetno ne zdi nič posebnega.

The mushroom you see in the woods probably doesn’t seem special to you.

A pod zemljo ustvarja celo omrežje iz micelija, ki se lahko razraste tudi več sto metrov naokoli.

But underground it creates a network of mycelium that can grow hundreds of metres around it.

S previdnim uravnavanjem rasti micelija lahko iz gliv izdelamo opeke in izolacijo. Ker je micelij zelo trpežen, kot lepilo okrepi trdnost materiala.

By carefully regulating the growth of mycelium, bricks and insulation can be made from the fungi. Because the mycelium is very durable, as a glue it strengthens the strength of the material.

Postopek priprave izdelkov iz gliv je enostaven.

The process of preparing fungal products is simple.

Za opeko potrebujemo le tri sestavine. Moko, ki služi kot hrana za glivo, žagovino ali kakšen drug trden in biorazgradljiv material in spore glive.

We only need three ingredients for the brick. Flour that serves as food for fungus, sawdust or any other solid and biodegradable material and fungal spores.

Zmes položimo v kalup in namočimo.

Place the mixture in a mould and soak it.

Po približno dveh tednih micelij preraste opeko. Nato opeko segrejemo, da gliva odmre in se opeka posuši.

After about two weeks, the mycelium grows into a brick. The brick is then heated to allow the fungus to die and the brick to dry.

Izdelki iz gliv so popolnoma razgradljivi, pa tudi trpežni. Za njihovo izdelavo ne potrebujemo velikih tovarn in posebnih materialov. Uporabimo lahko celo kmetijske odpadke.

Fungal products are completely degradable as well as durable. We do not need large factories and special materials to make them. We can even use agricultural waste.

Lastnosti micelija so različne pri različnih vrstah gliv. Zato so nekatere primerne tudi za izdelavo oblačil, usnja in celo za mesne nadomestke.

The properties of the mycelium are different for different types of fungi. Therefor, some are also suitable for making clothes, leather and even meat substitutes.

Z investiranjem v takšna podjetja bi si lahko zagotovili bolj zeleno prihodnost.

By investing in such companies, we could secure a greener future.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

11 Apr 2022, 09:01 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Camila Cabello se noče sramovati svojega telesa

Camila Cabello does not want to be ashamed of her body

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

»Trebuh sem stiskala tako močno, da so me bolele mišice. Dihala nisem in komaj sem se nasmehnila. Tako močno sem se zavedala, kje so paparaci, da se nisem mogla sprostiti in početi, kar naj bi počeli, ko gremo v naravo.«

“I squeezed my stomach so hard that my muscles ached. I wasn’t breathing and I could barely smile. I was so aware of where the paparazzi were that I couldn't relax and do what we were supposed to do when we went out into nature. "

S temi besedami je pevka Camila Cabello opisala svoj dan na plaži v Miamiju.

With these words, the singer Camila Cabello described her day at the beach in Miami.

Dodala je, da se še nikdar ni počutila na plaži tako slabo. Nato so jo prizadele še objavljene fotografije in komentarji pod njimi.

She added that she had never felt so bad on the beach before. But then she was affected by photos that were published and the comments beneath them.

Želi si, da bi se na plaži spet lahko počutila tako, kot se je pri sedmih letih: »Ko sem bila vesela, trapasta, ko sem dihala, ko sem se pretvarjala, da sem morska deklica, SVOBODNA.«

She wishes she could feel like she did at the age of seven on the beach again: "When I was happy, silly, when I was breathing, when I pretended to be a mermaid, FREE."

Petindvajsetletna ameriška pevka je slavna osebnost in zato neprestano na očeh javnosti.

The 25-year-old American singer is a celebrity and therefore constantly in the public eye.

Vseeno noče privoliti v to, da bi se morala sramovati svojega telesa. 

Still, she refuses to accept that she should be ashamed of her body.

“Fotošop, shujševalne diete, pretiravanje pri vadbi in izbiranje zornih kotov za fotografiranje omogočajo, da so naša telesa videti drugače kot v resnici in v svoji naravni obliki.” - Camila Cabello

“Photoshop, slimming diets, excessive exercise and choosing certain angles for photography allow our bodies to look different than they really are and in their natural form.” - Camila Cabello

To ni bilo prvič, da je opozorila, da se dekleta in ženske ne smejo ozirati na nerealna pričakovanja glede svojega videza.

This was not the first time she has warned that girls and women should not have unrealistic expectations about their appearance.

Poleti je na TikToku delila posnetek z naslovom Ljubim svoje telo.

In the summer, she shared a video on TikTok entitled I Love My Body.

V njem je sporočila oboževalcem, da sprejema svoje obline, čeprav deležna neprijetnih opazk, da ni zadosti vitka.

In it, she told fans that she accepts her curves, even though she receives unpleasant remarks that she is not slim enough.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Apr 2022, 16:36 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Družba sloni na znanjih računalništva, zato bi jih morali pridobiti vsi učenci

Society relies on computer skills, so all students should acquire them

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Učitelj računalništva Uroš Ocepek iz Srednje tehniške in poklicne šole Trbovlje nas bo zastopal na Global Teacher Prize. Zavzema se, da bi računalništvo postalo obvezen predmet v osnovni šoli.

Computer science teacher Uroš Ocepek from Trbovlje Secondary Technical and Vocational School will represent us at the Global Teacher Prize. He supports that computing be made a compulsory subject in primary school.

Zakaj ste postali učitelj?

Why did you become a teacher?

Ker sem v svojih učiteljih imel res lepe zglede. Videl sem, da je to plemenit poklic. Tudi zdaj se jih spominjam in se zasačim, da se kdaj odzovem tako, kot so se oni.

Because I had really nice examples in my teachers. I saw that it was a noble profession. Even now I remember them when I catch myself reacting the way they did.

V poklicu vztrajam, ker lahko dijakom pomagam doseči cilj, jih seznanim z znanjem iz preteklosti, ponudim možnost usvajanja sodobnih znanj in jih poskušam pripraviti na prihodnost.

I follow this profession because I can help students achieve their goals, acquaint them with knowledge from the past, offer the opportunity to acquire modern knowledge and try to prepare them for the future.

Z zgledom jim želim pomagati izkoristiti potencial pri strokovnem izobraževanju in osebnem razvoju.

By example, I want to help them realize their potential in professional education and personal development.

Bi računalništvo moralo postati del obveznega programa osnovne šole?

Should computer science become part of the compulsory primary school curriculum?

Ključno je, da postane nov samostojni obvezni predmet.

It is crucial that it becomes a new independent compulsory subject.



Računalništvo je prisotno v vseh poklicih. Marsikdo zagovarja, da bi bilo dovolj vključiti le digitalne kompetence. S tem se ne strinjam.

Computing is present in all professions. Many argue that it would be enough to include only digital competences. I don’t agree with that.

Preprost primer: ena od inovacij, ki sem jo naredil z dijakoma in mentorico dr. Mašo Jazbec, je bila instalacija BCI-slikar: slikanje z mislimi.

A simple example: one of the innovations I made with my students and mentor Dr. Mašo Jazbec, was an installation called BCI-painter: painting with thoughts.

Kaj to pomeni?

What does that mean?

Uporabnik si nadene kapo z osmimi senzorji, si zamisli eno od ponujenih kretenj čopiča in brez rok, samo z mislimi, naslika abstraktno sliko na digitalno platno.

The user puts on a hat with eight sensors, imagines one of the offered brush strokes and without hands, just with thoughts, paints an abstract image on a digital canvas.

Če dijaka ne bi poznala osnov strojne opreme, protokolov pri prenosu podatkov in programiranja, potem takšne inovacije ne bi bilo.

If a student dies not know the basics of hardware, data transfer protocols and programming, then there would be no such innovation.

Če bi imela le digitalne kompetence, bi jo znala uporabljati, ne pa tudi narediti, popraviti ali izboljšati.

If they only had digital competencies, they would know how to use it, but not make, fix or improve it.

Včasih je bilo pomembno, da si strokovnjak na svojem (ozkem) področju. Danes živimo v času, ko mora biti vsak strokovnjak s čim širšim naborom področij, ki jih pokriva.

Sometimes it’s important to be an expert in your (narrow) field. Today we live in a time when every expert must be with as wide a range of areas as possible.

Le tako bomo – še posebej naši učenci – konkurenčni v Evropi in svetu.

Only in this way will we - especially our students - be competitive in Europe and the world.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

28 Mar 2022, 16:11 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Fizika smučarskih skokov

The physics of ski jumping

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Naši skakalci in skakalke so se letos izjemno izkazali na olimpijskih igrah. Zanje pa bomo sedaj navijali še v Planici.

Our ski jumpers have excelled this year at the Olympics. We will now support them in Planica.

Za njihov uspeh pa niso pomembni le dobra fizična kondicija, koncentracija ali talent, temveč tudi razumevanje osnovnih konceptov fizike.

However, not only are good physical condition, concentration and talent important for their success, but also an understanding of the basic concepts of physics.

Na dolžino smučarskega skoka namreč vplivajo tri stvari: gravitacija (oziroma sila teže), dinamičen vzgon in upor.

The length of a ski jump is influenced by three things: gravity (or the force of gravity), dynamic lift and resistance.

Sila teže nas vleče proti tlom – zato skakalec prej ali slej pristane na tleh. Vendar med skokom zaradi dinamičnega vzgona ostaja v zraku.

The force of gravity pulls us towards the ground - so the jumper sooner or later lands on the ground. However, they remain in the air during the jump due to dynamic buoyancy.

Glede na vremenske pogoje organizatorji prilagajajo štartno mesto na skakalnici.

Depending on the weather conditions, the organizers adjust the starting point on the ski jump.

Ker zračni upor skakalca upočasni, se zmanjša tudi dinamičen vzgon, zato se začne zaradi gravitacije spuščati.

As the air resistance slows the jumper down, the dynamic buoyancy is also reduced, so they start to descend due to gravity.

Smučarski skakalci s poloxamer telesa torej maksimalno izkoristijo dinamičen vzgon, medtem ko poskušajo omejiti zračni upor.

Ski jumpers therefore use their body position to make the most of dynamic buoyancy while trying to limit air resistance.

Zaradi občutljivih fizikalnih zakonov lahko tako veter, oprema in celo športnikovo telo vplivajo na dolžino skoka.

Due to sensitive laws of physics, wind, equipment and even the athlete's body can all affect the length of the jump.

Morda ste že opazili, da med smučarskimi skoki organizatorji pogosto premikajo štartno točko na skakalnici.

You may have already noticed that during ski jumping, organizers often move the starting point on the ski jump.

Ta prilagoditev je odvisna od vetra – če bi bil veter premočan in bi imel skakalec previsoko hitrost, bi ga odneslo predaleč, celo v publiko.

This adjustment depends on the wind – if the wind was too strong and the jumper had too high a speed, it would take them too far, even into the spectators.

Lahko bi ga tudi močno upočasnil in bi moral prehitro pristati.

It could also slow them down a lot and they’d have to land too fast.

S prilagoditvami organizatorji tako poskušajo poskrbeti, da bodo vsi tekmovalci nastopili v čim bolj podobnih razmerah.

With the adjustments, the organizers are trying to make sure that all the competitors will perform in as similar a situation as possible.

Smučarski skakalci morajo zelo paziti na položaj svojega telesa.

Ski jumpers need to pay close attention to their body position.

Tudi smuči so pripravljene za vsakega skakalca posebej – glede na telesni indeks in višino.

The skis are also prepared for each jumper individually – depending on body index and height.

Pomembno je tudi, da se obleke tesno prilegajo telesu, da si z njimi ne morejo pomagati pri letenju.

It’s also important that the clothes fit snugly so that they cannot help you fly.

V prispevek se je prikradli neljuba napaka. Vzgon namreč ni odvisen od hitrosti, temveč od prostornine telesa. S hitrostjo pa je povezan dinamičen vzgon; ko skakalčeva hitrost upade, se ta zmanjša.

An unwelcome mistake has crept into the post. Buoyancy does not depend on speed, but on body volume. Dynamic buoyancy is associated with speed; when the jumper's speed decreases, it also decreases.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Mar 2022, 13:59 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako premagovati strah zaradi vojne?

How to overcome the fear of war?

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vojni v Ukrajini žal ni videti konca. Vsak dan spremljamo podobe, ki v nas vzbujajo strah.

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine does not seem to be over. Every day we follow images that arouse fear in us.

Vedeti moramo, da so prestrašeni ljudje bolj vodljivi. Prav tako jih je lažje zavajati kot tiste, ki strah prepoznavajo in se soočajo z njim.

We need to know that scared people are easier to manage. They are also easier to deceive than those who recognize fear and face it.

Obenem prestrašeni ljudje težje zavzemajo kritično držo in se aktivno soočajo s problemi.

At the same time, frightened people find it harder to take a critical stance and actively face problems.

Strah je zelo pomembno čustvo, ki ga ne smemo zanikati, opozarja psihoterapevtka Alja Adam iz Slovenske krovne zveze za psihoterapijo.

Fear is a very important emotion that should not be denied, warns psychotherapist Alja Adam from the Slovenian Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy.

Kako se otroci soočajo s strahom?

How do children cope with fear?

Otroci najbolj trpijo, ko so sami s svojimi strahovi in tesnobami in ko odrasli nimajo časa, volje, sočutja, da bi jim prisluhnili. Strah, ki ga osamimo, postaja vse večji in duši ustvarjalno energijo.

Children suffer the most when they are alone with their fears and anxieties, and when adults do not have the time, will, compassion to listen to them. The fear we isolate is growing and suffocating the creative energy.

Njegovo nasprotje je ljubezen, ki se rojeva v pristnem dialogu, v nežnem objemu, toplem stisku rok.

The opposite is love, born in genuine dialogue, in a gentle embrace, a warm handshake.

Otroke je treba učiti, kako z ljubeznijo pogledati svoj strah, ga ne zanikati, temveč se soočiti z njim.

Children need to be taught how to look at their fear with love, not to deny it, but to face it.

Kaj lahko storimo, da ublažimo otroške stiske?

What can we do to alleviate children's distress?

Otrokom ne smemo tajiti, kaj se dogaja v Ukrajini. Hkrati jih niti ne smemo strašiti, kot to pogosto počnejo mediji.

We must not hide what is happening in Ukraine from children. At the same time, we must not intimidate them, as the media often does.

Pomembno je, da odrasli, zaradi lastnega strahu in travm, ne odrinemo otrok na stran in da ne pozabimo nanje.

It is important that adults, out of their own fear and trauma, do not push children aside and do not forget about them.

Če otrokom omogočimo, da z nami aktivno sodelujejo v težkih situacijah, bodo razvili pozitivno samopodobo in sočutje ter krepili svojo duhovno naravnanost.

If we enable children to actively cooperate with us in difficult situations, they will develop a positive self-image and compassion, and strengthen their spiritual orientation.

Kaj pomeni aktivno sodelovanje?

What does active participation mean?

Sodelujejo lahko pri dobrodelnih akcijah, na primer zbirajo sredstva za ukrajinske otroke, pripravijo idejo projekta v podporo beguncem, napišejo pismo s svojimi mislimi ali dobrimi željami.

They can take part in charity events, for example, raise funds for Ukrainian children, come up with a project idea in support of refugees, write a letter with their thoughts or good wishes.

Pomembno je, da se otroci zavedajo, da pripadajo širši celoti, skupnosti. Da so njihova misel, gesta, beseda dobrodošle in pomembne, saj odpirajo prostor ljubezni in sočutju.

It is important that children are aware they belong to a wider whole, a community. That their thoughts, gestures, words are welcome and important as they open up a space of love and compassion.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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