Ljubljana related

24 May 2021, 14:38 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Na Evroviziji slavili italijanski rokerji

Italian rockers celebrated at Eurovision

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Po dveh letih smo sinoči spet lahko spremljali evrovizijski spektakel!

After two years, last night we were able to watch the Eurovision spectacle again!

Lani je prireditev zaradi epidemije žal odpadla, letos pa so jo v nizozemskem Rotterdamu organizirali, a pod strogimi omejitvami.

Last year, the event was unfortunately cancelled due to the epidemic, but this year it was organized in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, under strict restrictions.

Prilagojeno je bilo tudi število gledalcev: če dvorana Ahoy sprejme več kot 16.000 ljudi, jih je bilo sinoči v njej le 3500.

The number of spectators was also adjusted: if the Ahoy Hall can accommodate more than 16,000 people, there were only 3,500 of them last night.

Sodelovalo je 39 držav, a se jih je v sinočnji finalni izbor uvrstilo le 26.

39 countries took part, but only 26 made it to last night's final.

Vsaka država je najprej iz domačega studia sporočila točke, ki jih je pesmim dodelila njena strokovna komisija. Potem pa so dodali še število točk, ki so jih prispevali gledalci oziroma poslušalci.

Each country first reported from a home studio the points awarded to the songs by its expert commission. Then they added the number of points contributed by viewers or listeners.

Na polovici je bilo že videti, da bo zmagala Švica, a na koncu je zmaga šla v italijanske roke. Njihovo zmago so sicer ves čas napovedovale stavnice.

Halfway through it looked like Switzerland would win, but in the end the victory went to the Italians. Their victory was always predicted by bookmakers.

Italijanska skupina Måneskin je skupaj zbrala 524 točk (pred Francijo s 499 in Švico s 432 točkami). Svojo skladbo so kot eni redkih odpeli v svojem maternem jeziku.

The Italian group Måneskin scored a total of 524 points (ahead of France with 499 and Switzerland with 432 points). They were one of the few that sane their song in their mother tongue.

Še pred nastopom so za RTV Slovenija povedali, da bi se jim z zmago ves trud poplačal.

Even before the performance, they told RTV Slovenia that a victory would pay off for all their efforts.

“Zmaga bi nam pomenila zelo veliko, ker je bilo težko, da smo prišli tako daleč z glasbo, kot jo igramo. Zmaga nam bo v ponos in potrditev, da se je izplačalo, da smo ostali takšni, kot smo, in da je to dovolj. Bolj kot zmaga nam je pomembno, da ljudje spoznajo našo glasbo in v njej uživajo.”

“Winning would mean a lot to us because it was hard to get as far with the music as we play. Victory will be our pride and confirmation that it paid off, that we stayed the way we were, and that that was enough. More important to us than winning is that people get to know our music and enjoy it.”

Slovenska strokovna komisija jim je podelila največ, 12 točk, slovenski gledalci pa 10 točk.

The Slovenian expert commission awarded them the most points, 12, and the Slovenian spectators 10 points.

Evrovizija se tako prihodnje leto seli v sosednjo Italijo.

Eurovision will move to neighbouring Italy next year.

Tam bomo tudi Slovenci dobili novo priložnost za boljši rezultat.

There Slovenians will also get a new opportunity for a better result.

Naša predstavnica Ana Soklič s skladbo Amen včeraj namreč ni nastopila, saj je obtičala v torkovem predizboru.

Our representative Ana Soklič did not perform the song Amen yesterday, as she was left behind in Tuesday's pre-selection.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

17 May 2021, 15:31 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Brez baklave ni bajrama

There is no Eid without baklava

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Za več kot milijardo muslimanov se je včeraj s sončnim zahodom končal postni mesec ramazan.

For more than a billion Muslims, the fasting month of Ramadan ended with sunset yesterday.

Sedaj sledi tridnevno praznovanje ramazanski bajram.

Now follows the three-day celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

Zaradi epidemije novega koronavirusa bo druženje ob bajramu že drugo leto omejeno.

Due to the epidemic of the novel coronavirus, socializing on Eid will be limited for the second year in a row.

Med ramazanom niso bile dovoljene množične molitve ob sončnem zahodu. Mnogi muslimani so jih zato nadomestili z molitvami po spletu.

Mass prayers at sunset were not allowed during Ramadan. Many Muslims have therefore replaced them with online prayers.

Čeprav imajo muslimani v Sloveniji novo džamijo v Ljubljani, tudi za bajram ne bo skupne molitve. Veselijo se lahko le praznovanja v družinskem krogu ob bogato obloženi mizi.

Although Muslims in Slovenia have a new mosque in Ljubljana, there will be no mass prayer for Eid. They can only look forward to celebrations within the family circle at a richly laid table.

Kako praznuje bajram, sem vprašala prijateljico Miriso, ki je že pred mnogimi leti kot deklica prišla s starši v Slovenijo.

I asked my friend Mirisa, who came to Slovenia with her parents many years ago as a girl, how she celebrates Eid.

»Moja mami je že v torek začela pripravljati baklave.«

"My mother started making baklava on Tuesday."

Ker je njena mama najstarejša v družini, bo v skladu s tradicijo gostila vse sorodnike na bajramskem kosilu.

As her mother is the oldest in the family, she will traditionally host all THE relatives for Eid lunch.

»Pripravila bo juho tarhano, sarme, nadevane paprike, pite,« našteva Mirisa.

"She will prepare tarhano soup, sarma, stuffed peppers, pies," says Mirisa.

Bajrama ni brez baklave, Mirisina mama pa pripravi še čudovite hurmašice in pecivo. Zraven sodi turška kava. »Mami jo vedno pije iz fildžana, majhne skodelice brez ročaja,« pojasni Mirisa.

There is no Eid without baklava, and Mirisa's mother prepares beautiful dates and cakes. Turkish coffee is included. "Mom always drinks it from a cup, a small cup without a handle," Mirisa explains.

Alkoholnih pijač ne pijejo, mami postreže s sokom, ki ga naredi sama.

They do not drink alcoholic beverages, so her mother serves juice she makes herself.

Je za muslimane bajram tako pomemben družinski praznik, kot je za kristjane božič?

Is Eid as important a family holiday for Muslims as Christmas is for Christians?

»Da, bajrama se veselimo kot božiča. Vsi se lepo oblečemo. Otroci dobijo denar ali druga darila. Midve z mami pa sva najbolj srečni, ker se za bajram zbere vsa družina. K nam bo prišlo kar 17 ljudi.«

“Yes, we look forward to Eid the same as Christmas. We all dress nicely. Children receive money or other gifts. My mother and I are the happiest because the whole family gathers for Eid. As many as 17 people will come to us. "

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

10 May 2021, 11:32 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Odpadni del rakete je v nedeljo padel na Zemljo

The debris of a rocket fell to Earth on Sunday

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pri vzletu kitajske rakete 29. aprila letos je šlo nekaj narobe.

Something went wrong with the take-off of a Chinese rocket on April 29 this year.

Del rakete je ob vzletu odpadel prehitro in začel padati na Zemljo.

Part of the rocket fell off too quickly on take-off and began to fall to Earth.

Ko raketa vzleti v vesolje, med poletom skozi atmosfero običajno sicer odvrže nekaj svojih delov. Tako zaradi nižje mase pri pospeševanju porabi manj goriva.

When a rocket takes off into space, it usually sheds some of its parts during its flight through the atmosphere. Because of the lower mass, it uses less fuel when accelerating.

Deli, ki odpadejo na začetku, navadno padejo na Zemljo na določenem kontroliranem območju, kjer ne predstavljajo nevarnosti.

Parts that fall off at the beginning usually fall to Earth in a certain controlled area where they do not pose a danger.

Tisti, ki odpadejo dovolj visoko, pa ostanejo v orbiti in ne padejo na Zemljo.

Those that fall high enough, however, remain in orbit and do not fall to Earth.

Zaradi napake je del kitajske rakete ostal preblizu Zemlje in pričel padati nazaj. Ta del je bil težek kar 21 ton in je letel s hitrostjo približno 28 tisoč kilometrov na uro.

Due to the error, part of the Chinese rocket remained too close to Earth and began to fall back. This part weighed as much as 21 tons and flew at a speed of about 28 thousand kilometres per hour.

Pri tako veliki hitrosti so raziskovalci težko napovedali točno lokacijo padca nazaj na Zemljo.

At such a high speed, it was difficult for researchers to predict the exact location of the fall back to Earth

»Napovedovali smo, da se bo padec zgodil nekje okoli ekvatorja, najbolj severno kvečjemu do Rima ali do južnih obal Črne gore,« pravi prof. dr. Tomaž Zwitter s fakultete za matematiko in fiziko.

"We predicted that the fall would happen somewhere around the equator, at most to the north to Rome or to the southern coast of Montenegro," says Prof. Dr. Tomaž Zwitter from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

Odpadni del rakete je padel v Indijski ocean zahodno od Maldivov v nedeljo, 9. maja, ob 3.24 uri po našem času.

The debris of the rocket fell into the Indian Ocean west of the Maldives on Sunday, May 9, at 3.24pm local time.

Nekontrolirani padci masivnih teles se ne dogajajo pogosto.

Uncontrolled falls of massive bodies do not happen often.

»Po pravilih je treba telo pred vstopom v atmosfero z eksplozivnim nabojem razbiti v več manjših kosov, ki potem vsi brez težav zgorijo in zato nič ne pade na tla,« pravi Zwitter.

“According to the rules, before entering the atmosphere the body must be broken into several smaller pieces with an explosive charge, which then all burn without difficulty and therefore nothing falls to the ground,” says Zwitter.

Tomaž Zwitter je že pred padcem odpadnih delov rakete menil, da ti ne predstavljajo večje nevarnosti.

Even before the fall of the debris of the rocket, Tomaž Zwitter believed that they did not pose a major danger.

»Hoditi po pločniku ob cesti je mnogo bolj nevarno, saj se vsak dan po svetu zgodi veliko nesreč. Torej brez skrbi in le pogumno naprej!«

“Walking on the sidewalk along the road is much more dangerous, as many accidents happen around the world every day. So no worries and just bravely go on! ”

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

03 May 2021, 16:31 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Prvi slovenski teleskop v Čilu

The first Slovenian telescope in Chile

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zakaj ponoči vidiš v mestu manj zvezd kot na podeželju? Zaradi vse večje svetlobne onesnaženosti.

Why do you see fewer stars in the city at night than in the countryside? Due to ever more light pollution.

Ta postaja resen problem tudi za astronome.

This is also becoming a serious problem for astronomers.

Nočno nebo zato raje spremljajo na podeželju ali v gorah, kjer je manj svetlo in se nebesna telesa lažje vidijo.

They therefore prefer to monitor the night sky in the countryside or mountains, where it is less bright and celestial bodies are easier to see.

Univerza v Novi Gorici in astronomska revija Spika bosta v želji, da bi astronomi raziskovali v čim boljših pogojih, pod okriljem izobraževalnega projekta GoChile postavili teleskop v gorah Čila.

The University of Nova Gorica and the astronomy magazine Spika will set up a telescope in the mountains of Chile under the auspices of the GoChile educational project, in order for astronomers to explore in the best possible conditions.

Teleskop se bo nahajal na observatoriju El Sauce na jugu puščave Atacama na nadmorski višini 1560 metrov, kjer najdemo tudi teleskope drugih svetovnih astronomskih organizacij.

The telescope will be located at the El Sauce Observatory in the south of the Atacama Desert at an altitude of 1560 meters, where we also find telescopes from other world astronomical organizations.

Na tej lokaciji je ozračje izredno stabilno in čisto, poleg tega so noči skoraj vse dni v letu temne in jasne. Zato so tamkajšnje opazovalne razmere naravnost vrhunske, morda celo najboljše na svetu.

At this location the atmosphere is extremely stable and clean, in addition, the nights are dark and clear almost every day of the year. That is why the observation conditions there are top-notch, perhaps even the best in the world.

Slovenski teleskop bo tako lahko pripravljen za izjemne astronomske raziskave in fotografije vesolja.

The Slovenian telescope will thus be prepared for exceptional astronomical research and photographs of space.

Raziskovalci bodo nebo lahko opazovali iz Slovenije, saj so teleskop in vsa dodatna oprema avtomatizirani. Enostavno jih lahko upravljajo tudi na daljavo.

Researchers will be able to observe the sky from Slovenia, as the telescope and all accessories are automated. They can also be easily operated remotely.

»Teleskop bo v prvi vrsti namenjen študentom študijske smeri fizika in astrofizika na Fakulteti za naravoslovje Univerze v Novi Gorici in ljubiteljskim astronomom pod okriljem revije Spika,« pravi strokovna vodja projekta prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc.

"The telescope will primarily be intended for students of physics and astrophysics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Nova Gorica and amateur astronomers under the auspices of the magazine Spika," says the professional project manager Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc.

»Na voljo pa bo tudi radovednim dijakom, ki bodo v projektu lahko pridobivali praktične izkušnje z astronomskimi opazovanji.«

"It will also be available to curious students, who will be able to gain practical experience with astronomical observations in the project."

Čeprav se zvezd ne moremo dotakniti, se jim lahko vsaj približamo z astronomskimi raziskavami. Zato je glavno vodilo projekta GoChile: »Več astronomije!«

Although we cannot touch the stars, we can at least approach them with astronomical research. That's why the main guideline of the GoChile project is: "More astronomy!"

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

26 Apr 2021, 14:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Prvomajske počitnice v koronačasih

May Day holidays in the time of corona

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Marsikdo je že zelo naveličan vsega. Tako zelo, da se počuti kot ekonom lonec, v katerem se nabira para. Če pare ne more izpustiti, lahko eksplodira.

Many people are already very tired of everything. So much so that it feels like a pressure cooker in which the steam is building up. If steam can’t be released, it can explode.

Prvomajske počitnice so za sprostitev posebej priročne in marsikdo si želi na morje, v hribe, k dedku ali babici. Od petka se lahko premikamo med regijami v Sloveniji. Pot do hrvaške obale pa je bolj zapletena.

The May Day holidays are especially convenient for relaxation, and many people want to go to the sea, to the mountains, to their grandparents. From Friday we can move between regions in Slovenia. The path to the Croatian coast is more complicated.

Mejo s Hrvaško lahko brez negativnega testa ali ustreznega potrdila prestopijo le otroci, ki še niso stari sedem let. Vsi drugi potrebujejo hitri ali PCR test oziroma potrdilo, da so preboleli korono.

Only children under the age of seven can cross the border with Croatia without a negative test or appropriate certificate. Everyone else needs a rapid or PCR test, or confirmation that they have recovered from coronavirus.

Za vrnitev v Slovenijo pa ne zadošča hitri, ampak je potreben precej dražji PCR test. Izjema so otroci, ki še niso stari 15 let.

To return to Slovenia a rapid test isn’t enough, and a much more expensive PCR test is needed. An exception is children under 15 years of age.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Apr 2021, 21:41 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Živali pod stresom

Animals under stress

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Tudi živali se lahko znajdejo v hudi stiski.

Animals can also find themselves in dire straits.

Zaradi spreminjanja temperatur in krčenja gozdov jim zmanjkuje primernih zavetij in bivališč, zato so vse bolj v stresu. Podnebne spremembe namreč med drugim spodbujajo tudi tekmovalnost med posameznimi vrstami, kar živalim močno oteži preživetje.

Due to changing temperatures and deforestation, they are running out of suitable safe havens and homes, so they are increasingly under stress. Climate change, among other things, also encourages competition between individual species, which makes it very difficult for animals to survive.

Na udaru so predvsem sesalci v Atlantskem gozdu. To je drugi največji gozd v Južni Ameriki in nudi dom mnogim živalskim in rastlinskim vrstam. Njegova površina se zaradi človeških posegov vsako leto zmanjšuje. Zaradi izčrpavanja številnim vrstam grozi celo izumrtje.

Mammals in the Atlantic Forest are particularly affected. It is the second largest forest in South America and offers a home to many animal and plant species. Its area is decreasing every year due to human interventions. Because of its depletion, many species are even threatened with extinction.

Raziskovalna skupina, ki je preučevala tamkajšnje glodavce in vrečarje, je zato želela preveriti, kako različne živali ob čedalje bolj neugodnih razmerah doživljajo stres.

The research team, which studied rodents and marsupials there, therefore wanted to examine how different animals experience stress in increasingly unfavourable conditions.

Primerjali so stresne hormone tistih, ki živijo v bolj oškodovanih predelih gozda, in tistih, ki se zadržujejo v neokrnjenih predelih. Več tednov so analizirali njihovo dlako, saj se tam odlagajo stresni hormoni.

They compared the stress hormones of those living in more damaged areas of the forest and those staying in pristine areas. They analysed their hair for several weeks, as stress hormones are deposited there.

Ugotovili so, da je raven stresnih hormonov veliko višja pri živalih, ki živijo v predelih, na katere deforestacija bolj vpliva. Živali iz manj izpostavljenih okolij pa so kazale precej manjšo raven stresa.

They found that stress hormone levels were much higher in animals living in areas more affected by deforestation. Animals from less exposed environments, however, showed much lower levels of stress.

Stres sam po sebi za živali ni škodljiv. Lahko jim denimo omogoči hiter pobeg, saj se tako sprostijo dodatne zaloge energije. Toda dolgotrajni stres, pod kakršnim so ogrožene živali s poškodovanih območij, lahko pripelje do bolezni.

Stress in itself is not harmful to animals. For example, it can allow them to escape quickly, as this releases additional energy reserves. But prolonged stress, such as endangering animals from injured areas, can lead to disease.

»Če imamo na kupu veliko živali pod dolgotrajnim stresom, se lahko pri njih razvijejo novi virusi in druge bolezni. S teh živali bi se ti potem lahko prenesli naprej in prešli tudi na ljudi,« opozarja eden izmed raziskovalcev pri študiji David Kabelik.

“If we have a lot of animals all together under long-term stress, new viruses and other diseases can develop in them. These animals could then passed it on and pass it on to humans,” warns David Kabelik, one of the researchers in the study.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

12 Apr 2021, 13:54 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nov semafor protikoronskih ukrepov

New traffic light system for anti-corona measures

Written by Sandra Hanžič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Epidemija ne bo več omejevala pouka. Vsaj ne v tolikšni meri, kot ga je v zadnjem letu.

The epidemic will no longer limit lessons. At least not to the extent it has in the last year.

Vlada je sprejela nov semafor, ki s ponedeljkom sprošča in omogoča družbeno življenje, je sporočil zdravstveni minister Janez Poklukar.

The government has adopted a new traffic light system, which on Monday relaxes and enables social life, said Health Minister Janez Poklukar.

Nekaterim otrokom bodo tako omogočili, da šolsko leto zaključijo v učilnici.

Because of this some children will be allowed to finish the school year in the classroom.

V črni fazi, ki predvideva veliko število okuženih in hospitaliziranih zaradi koronavirusa, bodo po novem odprti vrtci, šole pa bodo odprte za prvo triado in otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Omejeno bo deloval še potniški promet, možne bodo brezkontaktne zunanje športne aktivnosti.

In the black phase, which envisages a large number of infected and hospitalized due to the coronavirus, kindergartens will now be open, and schools will be open for the first triad and children with special needs. There will be some limits on public transport, and contactless outdoor sports activities will be possible.

V malce manj strožji rdeči fazi bodo odprte še srednje šole, in sicer po modelu C. Zaključni letniki bodo ves čas fizično na šoli. Možno bo obiskati knjižnico, glasbeno šolo in ure baleta. Policijska ura bo odpravljena.

In the slightly less strict red phase, secondary schools will be opened, according to model C. The final years will be in person at all times. It will be possible to visit the library, music school and ballet classes. Curfew will be lifted.

V oranžni fazi se bodo lahko na fakultete vrnili tudi študenti, dovoljeno bo gibanje med regijami.

In the orange phase, students will also be able to return to their faculties, and movement between regions will be allowed.

V rumeni fazi bodo srednje šole in fakultete odprte brez omejitev.

In the yellow phase, high schools and colleges will be open without restrictions.

Kot je poudaril Poklukar, v vseh fazah spodbujajo prostovoljno samotestiranje dijakov in študentov.

As Poklukar noted, in all phases they encourage voluntary self-testing of high school and university students.

“Ni večjih zadržkov, da ne bi mogli pravilno in zadostno uvesti samotestiranja. Samotestiranje je načrtovano 16. aprila. V naslednjih tednih bo ta metoda iz dneva v dan imela več privržencev med starši, otroki, učitelji in ravnatelji. Verjamem, da smo tako zrela družba, da tako resnih javnozdravstvenih ukrepov ni treba predpisati z dekretom.”

“There are no major uncertainties about not being able to properly and sufficiently introduce self-testing. Self-testing is scheduled for April 16th. In the coming weeks, this method will have more users day by day among parents, children, teachers and principals. I believe that we are such a mature society that such serious public health measures do not need to be prescribed by decree.”

Dijaki in učenci tretje triade bodo samotestiranje izvajali v šoli.

Pupils and students of the third triad will conduct self-testing at school.

Nošenje mask ne bo več obvezno na vseh javnih prostorih, pač pa le tam, kjer ne bo mogoče zagotoviti dovolj razdalje.

Wearing masks will no longer be mandatory in all public places, but only where sufficient distance cannot be maintained.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

06 Apr 2021, 13:48 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Čista voda je naša pravica

Clean water is our right

Written by Zorc-Rupnik, 9th grade, Brezovica Primary School near Ljubljana, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dragi odrasli!

Dear adults!

Pred vami je izjemno odgovorna naloga: ubraniti morate VODO, da si jo bomo lahko tudi čez leta ali desetletja natočili iz pipe.

You have an extremely important task ahead of you: you have to protect WATER so that for years and decades we can run it out of the tap.

Voda ni last nikogar in je obenem last vseh. Zato si ne sme nihče vzeti pravice in opustiti skrbi zanjo ali celo pomagati tistim, ki jim je mar samo za denar, da jo onesnažijo. Tega, dragi odrasli, ne smete dovoliti. Na vas je, da SE ODLOČNO POSTAVITE V BRAN VODI, sicer bomo morali zaradi vaših zgrešenih odločitev trpeti prav mladi.

Water is not owned by anyone and is owned by everyone at the same time. Therefore, no one should take the right and give up caring for it, or even help those who only care about money to pollute it. You must not allow this, dear adults. It is up to you to DEFINITELY ACT IN DEFENSE OF THE WATER, otherwise we will have to suffer because of your wrong decisions.

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In vi, ki ste glasovali za zakon, ki ogroža naše vode, morate vedeti nekaj: DOVOLJ STE STARI, da bi se lahko odločali pametnejše. Je vredno celotnim generacijam odvzeti tako osnovno dobrino, kot je voda? Se boste lahko pogledali v ogledalo?

And you who voted for a law that threatens our waters need to know something: YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH to be able to make smarter decisions. Is it worth depriving entire generations of such a basic commodity as water? Will you be able to look in the mirror?

Mene bi bilo – pa sem še otrok – ZELO SRAM, če bi nekoga namerno in zavestno oškodoval. Če prav vem, niste bili izvoljeni zato, da bi škodili Slovencem, ampak prav za nasprotno: da bi delali dobro za vse, ne samo zase.

I would be - and I am still a child - VERY ASHAMED if I intentionally and knowingly harmed someone. If I know correctly, you were not elected to harm Slovenes, but just the opposite: to do good for everyone, not just for yourself.

Pomislite na svoje otroke, vnuke, pravnuke … Si res želite, da bodo o vas razmišljali kot o nekom, ki je pomagal onesnažiti vodo v Sloveniji?

Think of your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren… Do you really want them to think of you as someone who helped pollute the water in Slovenia?

Saj se zavedate, da smo še ena redkih držav, ki se lahko ponaša s tako čisto vodo? Zato JI MORAMO STOPITI V BRAN! In zato vas prosim, dragi odrasli, da se s svojim podpisom pridružite akciji VODE NE DAMO.

You realize that we are a rare country that can boast such clean water? That's why WE HAVE TO ACT IN HER DEFENSE! And that is why I am asking you, dear adults, to join the WE DO NOT GIVE WATER campaign with your signature.

Ker je časa malo in je država zaprta, pred vrati pa so še prazniki, je treba podpise oddati do sobote, 3. aprila 2021.

As time is short and the country is closed, there are still holidays coming, signatures must be submitted by Saturday, April 3, 2021.

Kje vse jih lahko pustite, si oglejte na spletni strani.

See where you can leave them on the website.

Hvala, ker boste dokazali, DA VAM JE MAR.

Thank you for proving THAT YOU CARE.

Hvala, ker se zavedate, da vaša generacija ni edina na svetu – česar se nekateri žal ne.

Thank you for realizing that your generation is not the only one in the world - which some unfortunately do not.

Hvala, ker boste poskrbeli za zadostno število podpisov, da bomo lahko sprožili postopek za razpis referenduma.

Thank you for providing us with a sufficient number of signatures so that we can initiate the procedure for calling a referendum.

Hvala v mojem imenu in v imenu mnogih prihodnjih generacij.

Thank you on my behalf and on behalf of many future generations.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

29 Mar 2021, 15:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Šolska vrata se bodo spet zaprla

The school door will close again

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Javno življenje se bo v prihodnjih dneh že tretjič povsem ustavilo. Med 1. in 12. aprilom se bomo lahko gibali le v svoji regiji.

Public life will come to a complete standstill for the third time in the coming days. Between April 1 and 12, we will only be able to move around in our own region.

Odprte bodo samo najnujnejše storitvene dejavnosti, kot so živilske trgovine, pošte in banke, nekoliko okrnjen bo javni prevoz.

Only the most urgent service activities, such as food shops, post offices and banks, will be opened, and public transport will be slightly curtailed.

Hkrati s tem se bodo zaprle tudi šole, otroci pa se boste šolali na daljavo.

At the same time, schools will be closed and children will be educated at a distance.

Pri tem bodo tri izjeme, je naštela ministrica za izobraževanje Simona Kustec. Vrtci in prva triada osnovnih šol bodo odprti za nujno varstvo, odprti bodo še zavodi za otroke s posebnimi potrebami.

There will be three exceptions, said Education Minister Simona Kustec. Kindergartens and the first triad of primary schools will be open for emergency care, as well as institutions for children with special needs.

Smo v bitki s časom. Tempo cepljenja zagotavlja, da bomo stopnjo precepljenosti, ki resno pomaga pri zaustavljanju epidemije, dosegli v juniju. Do takrat je treba sprejeti dodatne ukrepe predvsem zaradi razširjenosti angleškega seva koronavirusa, ki se širi hitreje in predstavlja večji pritisk na bolnišnične kapacitete.

We are in a battle with time. The pace of vaccination ensures that full vaccination, which will really help to stop the epidemic, will be reached in June. Until then, additional measures need to be taken mainly due to the prevalence of the English coronavirus strain, which is spreading faster and putting more pressure on hospital capacity.

Neukrepanje bi pomenilo najmanj nekaj 100 dodatnih smrti do junija, je napovedal Janša po današnjem sestanku s predstavniki parlamentarnih strank, predsednikom republike in vladno svetovalno skupino za covid-19.

Failure to act would mean at least some 100 additional deaths by June, PM Janša announced after today's meeting with representatives of parliamentary parties, the President of the Republic and the government's advisory group for covid-19.

Leto epidemije pušča posledice. Epidemična fizična in psihična izčrpanost nas prav gotovo vse najedata. Zadnje dni so podatki skrb vzbujajoči. Z ukrepi si kupujemo čas, da precepimo najbolj rizične skupine prebivalstva.

The year of the epidemic is having repercussions. An epidemic of physical and mental exhaustion is certainly consuming us all. In recent days the data is has been worrying. With these measures, we are buying time to vaccinate the most at-risk groups of the population.

Po 12. aprilu se vsi osnovnošolci in dijaki vračajo v šolske klopi, razen če bi prišlo do kakšne izredne situacije, so zagotovili vsi sodelujoči na današnji novinarski konferenci.

After April 12, all elementary and high school students will return to school, unless there is an emergency, all participants at today's press conference assured.

Čeprav okužbe v šolah predstavljajo le majhen delež vseh okužb, so bile zaprte vse od sredine oktobra.

Although school infections account for only a small proportion of all infections, they have been closed since mid-October.

Letos so se vanje postopoma vrnili najprej otroci s posebnimi potrebami, nato prvo triletje, zatem vsi preostali razredi osnovnih šol in zaključni letniki srednjih šol, nato pa še preostali oddelki.

This year, children with special needs gradually returned to them, then the first three years, then all the remaining classes of primary schools and the final years of secondary schools, and then the remaining departments.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

22 Mar 2021, 17:00 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Meta Hrovat za zaključek sezone na tretjem mestu

Meta Hrovat in third place for the end of the season

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Najboljši alpski smučarji in smučarke sveta so si na finalu svetovnega pokala v Lenzerheideju v Švici razdelili kristalne globuse.

The best alpine skiers in the world shared crystal globes at the World Cup final in Lenzerheide, Switzerland.

Smučar in smučarka, ki ob koncu sezone svetovnega pokala osvojita največ točk, dobita veliki kristalni globus. Najboljši v posameznih disciplinah – slalomu, veleslalomu, superveleslalomu in smuku – pa prejmejo mali kristalni globus.

The skier who has the most points at the end of the World Cup season gets a big crystal globe. The best in individual disciplines - slalom, giant slalom, super-giant slalom and downhill - receive a small crystal globe.

Velika kristalna globusa sta letos visoko v zrak dvignila Slovakinja Petra Vlhova in Francoz Alexis Pinturault.

Large crystal globes were lifted high into the air this year by Slovakia's Petra Vlhova and France's Alexis Pinturault.

Pinturault je osvojil tudi mali kristalni globus v veleslalomu. Najboljša veleslalomistka sezone je medtem postala Italijanka Marta Bassino.

Pinturault also won the small crystal globe in the giant slalom. The best giant slalom skier of the season, meanwhile, was Italian Marta Bassino.

V slalomu, kjer morajo smučarji in smučarke obvladovati hitre in kratke zavoje, sta mala kristalna globusa dobila Avstrijca – Marco Schwarz in Katharina Liensberger.

In the slalom, where skiers have to master fast and short turns, the small crystal globes were won by the Austrians - Marco Schwarz and Katharina Liensberger.

Bitko za mala kristalna globusa v smuku in superveleslalomu so dobili Švicar Beat Feuz in Italijanka Sofia Goggia ter Švicarka Lara Gut Behrami in Avstrijec Vincent Krichmayr.

The battle for the small crystal globes in downhill and super-giant slalom was won by Swiss Beat Feuz and Italian Sofia Goggia, as well as Swiss Lara Gut Behrami and Austrian Vincent Krichmayr.

Tudi slovenski navijači so bili ta konec tedna lahko zadovoljni. Alpska smučarka Meta Hrovat je namreč na zadnjem veleslalomu sezone dosegla tretje mesto!

Slovenian fans could also be satisfied this weekend. Alpine skier Meta Hrovat finished third in the last giant slalom of the season!

Meta pravi, da je za njo težka sezona, polna vzponov in padcev. Ampak z uvrstitvijo na stopničke bo lahko zadovoljna odšla na počitnice.

Meta says it’s a tough season for her, full of ups and downs. But by placing on the podium, she will be able to go on vacation satisfied.

»Velikokrat sem se morala pobrati, včasih nisem vedela, kako se bom. A sem se in sezono zaključila na zelo lep način,« je povedala 23-letnica, ko se je razveselila svojega četrtega tretjega mesta v svetovnem pokalu.

“Many times I had to pick myself up, sometimes I didn’t know how I was going to pick myself up. But I ended the season in a very nice way," said the 23-year-old, as she rejoiced at her fourth third place in the World Cup.

Sezona v smučarskih skokih se bo sklenila prihodnji konec tedna – fantje bodo tradicionalno tekmovali v Planici, dekleta v Čajkovskem v Rusiji.

The ski jumping season will end next weekend - the boys will traditionally compete in Planica, the girls in Chaykovsky in Russia.

Zelo napeto bo, saj je Nika Križnar na predzadnjih tekmah osvojila drugo in tretje mesto ter ima rumeno majico!

It will be very tense, as Nika Križnar won second and third places in the penultimate matches and has the yellow jersey!

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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