Slovene-English Dual Text: Je Res Treba Vedno Pokazati Ritko?

By , 27 Oct 2018, 19:53 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Je Res Treba Vedno Pokazati Ritko? Screenshot from the video "Baby Got Back", by Sir Mix-a-Lot

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Je res treba vedno pokazati ritko?

Is it really necessary to always show ass?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Kaj je potrebno za dober komad? Dobra muzka ali dobra ritka?

What is needed for a good song? Good music or a good ass?

Tako se nekoliko provokativno sprašujejo avtorji projekta Pop stereotipi.

This is the provocative question the people behind the project Pop Stereotypes are asking.

S plakatom in s pesmijo, ki so ju ustvarili kot del projekta, želijo sporočiti mladim, da stereotipne podobe, ki jih vsakodnevno vidijo na portalu YouTube, niso odraz resničnega življenja. In da so ženske še vse kaj drugega kot le lepo oblikovano in pomanjkljivo oblečeno telo.

The poster and the song they created as part of the project want to let young people know that the stereotyped images they see every day on YouTube are not a reflection of real life. And that women are more than just a beautifully shaped and under-dressed body.

»Pregled hitov zadnjih let na portalu YouTube je milo rečeno zaskrbljujoč. Glasbeni videospoti največjih svetovnih zvezd pop kulture, ki jih otroci gledajo vsakodnevno, v 80 odstotkih prikazujejo ženske in moške v stereotipnih vlogah,« pravijo na plakatu.

"A look at the hits of recent years on YouTube is, to put it mildly, alarming. The music videos of the world's biggest pop stars, watched by children every day, show men and women in stereotyped roles 80 percent of the time,” they say on the poster.

Za primere navajajo skladbe nekaterih priljubljenih pevk, med njimi: Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus , Jennifer Lopez in Beyoncé.

Some examples include popular singers such as Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé.

Ustvarili so pesem Treba je pokazat’ rit!, ki opozarja na izkrivljene podobe v svetu glasbe. Pesem izvaja notranjska skupina Šlajn. Besedilo, ki gre hitro v uho, na simpatičen način izpostavi dejstvo, da je za to, da »imaš glasbeni hit, očitno treba pokazati rit«.

They [the people behind Pop Stereotypes] thus created a song “It Is Necessary to Show Ass”, which draws attention to distorted images in the world of music. The song is performed by the band Sline. The words that run quickly into the ear highlight, in a cunning way, the fact that, in order to "have a musical hit, it's obviously necessary to show your ass".

»Ob tem pa sporoča, da moramo pri gledanju in poslušanju glasbe vklopiti tudi možgane ter kritičen pogled,« pravijo avtorji projekta.

"It also note that when watching and listening to music we must also use out brains and adopt a critical view," say the authors of the project.

Žal je to zelo enostavno dostopen del popularne kulture, ki jo vase srkajo predvsem mladi. Glasbeni videospoti ustvarjajo svet, ki ga mlado, neizkušeno in nekritično občinstvo sprejema kot stvarnost, in imajo velik vpliv na njihovo razmišljanje ter vedenje.

Unfortunately, this [sexualised videos] are a very easily accessible part of the popular culture that young people want a lot. Music videos create a world that young, inexperienced and uncritical audiences take as reality, and have a great influence on their thinking and behaviour.

»Projekt in pesem smo že predstavili več kot stotim učiteljicam in učiteljem na dogodku Nestereotipno o stereotipih in bili so navdušeni,« pravi soavtorica projekta Tanja Rudolf iz organizacije Iz principa.

"We have already presented the project and the song to more than a hundred teachers at the event ‘[Thinking] Non-stereotypically about Stereotypes’ and they were excited," says the co-author of the project, Tanja Rudolf from the organization Iz principa.

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