Slovene-English Dual Text: Si v Šoli Med Vevericami?

By , 10 Jul 2018, 14:45 PM How to Slovenia
Aerial Circus na Ani Desetnici Aerial Circus na Ani Desetnici Foto: Luka Dakskobler/Arhiv Ane Desetnice in Aerial Circus

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

July 10,. 2018

Ana Desetnica 2018 očarali otroke in odrasle

The Ana Desetnica 2018 festival enchanted children and adults

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Si v šoli med vevericami, ki po vrvi ali po drogu v nekaj sekundah splezajo na vrh?

Do you study with the squirrels, climbing up to the top of a rope or a pole in a few seconds?

Ali med tistimi, ki jim plezanje ni ravno pri srcu?

Or are you one of those who has no heart for climbing?

Tudi če velja zadnje, bi bila verjetno očarana nad akrobatkama Dana Augustin in Tjašo Dobravec iz skupine Aerial Circus. Na festivalu uličnega gledališča Ana Desetnica sta uprizorili predstavo Aquariom. Za glasbeno podlago svojega plesa na svilnih trakovih in drogu sta izbrali sklado Surviving irske pevke Kaz Hawkins.

Even if you’re among the later, you’d probably still be fascinated by the acrobatics Dana Augustin and Tjašo Dobravec from the group Aerial Circus. The group Aquariom also performed at the Ana Desetnica festival of street theatre, using the song Surviving by the Irish singer Kaz Hawkins as they danced in the silk ribbons.

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Predstava Aquariom. Foto: Luka Dakskobler/Arhiv Ane Desetnice in Aerial Circus. The Aquariom show. Photo: Luka Dakskobler / Anne Desetnica Archive and Aerial Circus

Njun nastop je navdušil otroke in odrasle. Mnogi so si ga lahko večkrat ogledali. Umetnici sta, tako kot nekateri mnogi drugi nastopajoči, na festivalu nastopili več dni zaporedoma.

Their performances inspired children and adults. Many people saw them many times. These artists, like some of the many other performers, performed at the festival several days in a row.

In kaj sploh je festival uličnega gledališča?

But what is the festival of street theatre?

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Ana Desetnica 2018. Foto: Sonja Merljak/Časoris. Ana Desetnica 2018 Photo: Sonja Merljak / Časoris

To je festival, pravijo organizatorji iz gledališča Ane Monro, ki z urbano umetnostjo – cirkuškimi in plesnimi predstavami, živimi kipi in delavnicami – spreminja namembnost javnega prostora in ga odpira za ljudi.

This is the festival, say the organizers of the Ane Monro Theater, that uses urban art, circus and dance performances, live sculptures and workshops, to change the purpose of public space and open it for the people.

V Ljubljani so jo pripravili že 21. zapovrstjo, letos pa so ulični gledališčniki preplavili tudi številne druge kraje. Najprej so obiskali Maribor, Krško, Novo Gorico in Ilirsko Bistrico, nato Šoštanj, Novo mesto, Sežano, Celje in Škofjo Loko.

It has been held in Ljubljana 21 times, but this year street theatre companies have also visited many other places [in Slovenia]. First, they visited Maribor, Krško, Nova Gorica and Ilirska Bistrica, then Šoštanj, Novo mesto, Sežana, Celje and Škofja Loka.

Anino gostovanje v mestu je prav poseben čas, piše direktor festivala Goro Osojnik v uvodniku za katalog Ana Desetnica 2018.

Ana’s time in the city is a special one, writes the director of the festival Goro Osojnik in the editorial for the Ana Desetnica Catalog 2018.

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Predstava Črvi. Foto: Luka Dakskobler/Arhiv Ane Desetnice. The performance of the Worms. Photo: Luka Dakskobler / Archives of Ana Desetnica

»Čas, ko Ljubljana spremeni svojo podobo in meščani odkrijejo čar druženja na ulici, draž uličnega gledališča in sproščenost srečevanja.«

"It’s a time when Ljubljana changes its image and the citizens discover the charm of socialising on the street, the charm of street theatre, and the relaxation of the meetings that occur there."

Če ste festival letos zamudili, nič hudega. Ana bo v mesto prišla tudi prihodnje leto.

If you missed the festival this year, no worries. Ana will come back to the city next year.

In spet bo priložnost, da spregovorite besedo ali dve z znanci in tudi neznanci, pomežiknete mimoidočemu in zaploskate nastopajočemu.

Then once again there will be the opportunity to chat with friends and strangers, wink at passers-by and applaud the performers.

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Predstava Šah mat. Foto: Luka Dakskobler/Arhiv Ane Desetnice. The performance Chess Mat. Photo: Luka Dakskobler / Archives of Ana Desetnica

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