Slovene-English Dual Text: Pot ob Žici

By , 07 May 2018, 15:39 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Pot ob Žici

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

May 7, 2018

Pot ob žici – pot spominov in tovarištva

The path along the wire - the path of memories and comradeship

By Kaja Trontelj, an 8th grade student from OŠ Franceta Bevka, Ljubljana

Pot ob žici ali pot spominov in tovarištva je povojni spomenik na čase, ko je bila Ljubljana obdana z bodečo žico.

The path along the wire or path of memories and comradeship is a post-war monument to mark the times when Ljubljana was surrounded by a barbed wire.

To je 32,5 km dolga nezahtevna pot okoli Ljubljane, ki vsako leto spomladi privabi več kot 30.000 udeležencev, od predšolskih otrok pa vse do starejših in izkušenih pohodnikov.

This is a 32.5 km long, undemanding route around Ljubljana, which attracts more than 30,000 people every spring, from pre-school children to older and experienced hikers.

Zlasti učenci se pomena pohoda okoli Ljubljane pogosto ne zavedamo dovolj.

Students in particular are often not aware of the importance of this walk around Ljubljana. 61pohod_sole_13.jpg

Pot je speljana po nekdanjem ozemlju bodeče žice, ki je med 2. svetovno vojno ločila mesto Ljubljana od preostale domovine.

The path follows the line of the barbed wire which during the Second World War separated the city of Ljubljana from the rest of the country.

Ker je bilo takrat malo mest popolnoma okupiranih, ima okupacija Ljubljane pomembno mesto v zgodovini.

Since few towns were completely occupied, the occupation of Ljubljana has an important place in history.

Ljubljano je italijanska vojska za več kot tri leta ogradila z žico. Ta je kasneje postala simbol kljubovanja okupatorju, saj so partizani in ostali prebivalci žico prehajali po skrivnih prehodih.

Ljubljana was fenced in by the Italian army for more than three years. This later became a symbol of defiance of the occupiers, as the Partisans and other people crossed the wire using secret passages.

Tudi na naši šoli se učenci od 1. do 9. razreda vsako leto na začetku maja odpravimo na pot ob žici, le da s potjo začnemo na različnih lokacijah.

At our school, too, each year at the beginning of May students from the 1st to 9th grades follow the path along the wire, but start the journey at different locations.

Naš namen je, da v devetih letih prehodimo celotno pot.

Our goal is to walk the whole path over nine years.  61pohod_sole_16.jpg

Kljub pomembnosti tega dogodka se veliko mojih sošolcev ne zaveda dovolj, česa se na ta dan spominjamo, kaj obeležujemo, med sabo pa se tudi ne pogovarjamo o pomenu poti ob žici.

Despite the importance of this event, many of my classmates are not really aware of what we remember on this day, what we mark, and we also do not talk about the meaning of the path along the wire.

Nam ta dan pomeni predvsem možnost za pogovor in druženje s prijatelji, pohoda pa se veselimo tudi, ker takrat ni pouka.

[Instead] this day is an opportunity to talk and socialise with friends, and we also look forward to the walk, because then there are no lessons.

Morali bi se večkrat spomniti na žico, ki je omejevala Ljubljano in preprečevala ljudem, da bi živeli svobodno življenje, kakršnega živimo danes.

We should have thought many times about the wire that cut off Ljubljana and prevented people from living the free life that we live today.

Morali bi se spomniti na ljudi, ki niso želeli živeti za žico v stalnem strahu pred okupatorji, na ljudi, ki so se odločili, da se bodo na lasten način uprli in s tem ustvarili simbol upora in kljubovanja.

We should remember the people who did not want to live inside the wire in constant fear of the occupiers, the people who decided to fight back in their own way and thereby create a symbol of resistance and defiance.  61pohod_sole_17.jpg

To je resnični pomen poti ob žici: da ne bi nikoli pozabili njihovega življenja v nesvobodi, v strahu, tako kot tudi ne njihove kljubovalnosti in poguma.

This is the true meaning of the path along the wire: never to forget those lives without freedom, in fear, as well as their defiance and courage.

Pot ob žici je torej mnogo več kot samo pohod. Je čas, ko se spomnimo na okupacijo Ljubljane in na upor ljudi, ki so želeli živeti svoje življenje brez žic, ki bi jim omejevale svobodo.

The walk along the wire is therefore much more than just a hike. It is a time when we remember the occupation of Ljubljana and the rebellion of people who wanted to live their lives without wires that would limit their freedom.

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