Average Household Spends €1,500 on Heating in Slovenia

By , 16 Oct 2018, 14:30 PM Lifestyle
Average Household Spends €1,500 on Heating in Slovenia Neža Loštrek

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STA, 16 October 2018 - The average Slovenian family spends EUR 1,500 on heating per year, according to a survey commissioned by Borzen, the power market operator. Central heating is still the most popular heating system in the country. 

The differences in the costs of heating between the warm Primorska region in the west and the Upper Sava Valley in the Alpine north-west are substantial and can reach up to EUR 1,000 annually.

The survey has shown four dominant types of heating in Slovenia being central heating for the entire building, district heating, central heating for individual apartments, and local heating with fireplaces and space heaters.

Unsurprisingly, building-wide central heating is the most common system in family houses, while district heating is mostly used in apartment buildings.

Around a third of households with central heating, be it family houses or apartment buildings, use heating oil.

Many family houses also use solid fuels such as wood biomass (28%) and air-water heat pumps (11%), while apartment buildings also use gas (28%) and almost a tenth still use solid fuel (9%).

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