Slovene-English Dual Text: Leteli Bodo v Planici

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Do nedelje bodo skakalci znova leteli v Planici

On Sunday, jumpers will fly again in Planica

By Mojca Štruc and translated by JL Flanner

Otroci dobro veste, kaj je Planica: sladoled z okusom čokolade, jagode in vanilje.

Children know well what Planica is: ice cream with a taste of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

Ampak Planica je tudi dolina med gorami Julijskih Alp. Tudi tisti, ki jim zemljepis ni ravno najbolj pri srcu, jo dobro poznajo. V tej dolini namreč stoji skakalnica, na kateri že vse od leta 1934 skačejo najboljši smučarski skakalci sveta.

But Planica is also a valley between the mountains of the Julian Alps. Even those for whom geography is not particularly close to their hearts know it well. In this valley there is a ski jump on which the best jumpers in the world have jumped since 1934.

Idejo, da bi v Planici naredili nekaj posebnega, je dobil Joso Gorec. Želel je, da bi v tej dolini stala največja skakalnica na svetu. Za izdelavo načrta je prosil Stanka Bloudka, ki si je skakalnico zamislil prav tam, kjer stoji še danes.

Joso Gorec got the idea to make something special in Planica. He wanted the biggest ski jump in the world in this valley. Stanko Bloudek asked for the plan, and he designed the jump that still stands there today.

Sprva so skakalci dosegali razdalje okoli 80 ali 90 metrov. Leta 1936 je človek prvič v zgodovini preletel 100 metrov. Od takrat so si tekmovalci in gledalci želeli vedno daljših skokov.

Initially jumpers reached distances of about 80 or 90 meters. In 1936, for the first time in history, one flew over 100 meters. Since then, both competitors and spectators have always wanted further jumps.

Brata Gorišek sta zato izdelala načrt za novo in večjo skakalnico. Zgradili so jo tik ob prvi in jo kasneje večkrat še povečali.

The Gorišek brothers therefore designed a plan for a new and bigger jump. It was built right beside the first one, and later made even bigger.

Na njej je človek prvič preletel 200 metrov. Njen trenutni rekord je 239 metrov.

On this a person flew 200 meters for the first time. The current record is 239 meters (sic, the actual record is 251.5 m).

Organizatorji so imeli v zadnjih tednih ogromno dela. Ker je letos zapadlo veliko snega, so ga morali odstraniti. Pri tem je pomagalo 300 delavcev.

The organizers had a huge amount of work to do in recent weeks. This was because a lot of snow had fallen this year, which had to be removed. Three hundred people helped to do this.

Vstopnice so prodajali v 31 državah, največ na Poljskem.

Tickets have been sold in 31 countries, mostly in Poland.

Tam se letos veselijo uspeha tekmovalca Kamila Stocha. V skupnem seštevku tekem je najboljši, zato bo v Planici, kjer se zaključi letošnje tekmovanje, prejel veliki kristalni globus.

In that country people are looking forward to the success of Kamil Stoch this year. He is leading overall in the World Cup, that is why in Planica, where the finals take place, he will get the Big Crystal Globe.

V prihodnjih dneh se bodo v Planico zgrnili številni obiskovalci, ki si želijo, da bi tudi letos videli čim lepše in daljše polete.

In the coming days many visitors will come to Planica, and they want to see more beautiful and longer this year.

Danes se namreč začenjajo kvalifikacije, jutri in v nedeljo bosta na sporedu posamični tekmi, v soboto pa še ekipna.

Today (Thursday) the qualifiers are starting, tomorrow and Sunday will be individual matches, while on Saturday they will be the team competition.

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