Slovene-English Dual Text: Veš, Kaj Ješ?

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Veš, kaj ješ?

Do you know what you eat?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

So ti všeč slastno dišeči rogljički ali žepki?

Do you like deliciously fragrant croissants or pastry pockets?

Jih imaš raje z marmelado ali čokolado?

Do you prefer marmalade or chocolate?

Pa veš, kako jih pripravijo? Hm, ta odgovor je pa najbrž že malo bolj zapleten!

Do you know how to make them? Well, that answer is probably a bit more complicated!

A morda niti ni tako pomembno, da veš, kako jih pripravijo. Bolj je pomembno, da jih pripravijo iz zdravih sestavin.

But it’s maybe not be so important to know how to prepare them. It’s more important to prepare them from healthy ingredients.

Odslej denimo ne bodo smeli vsebovati transmaščobnih kislih.

From now on, they will not be allowed to contain trans fatty acids.

Te so namreč zdravju škodljive, zato so jih prepovedali. V 100 gramih maščob sta po novem lahko le še 2 grama transmaščobnih kislin.

They are harmful to health, so they have been banned. Only 2 grams of trans fatty acids can be added to every 100 grams of fat after the new rules.

Če bodo inšpektorji odkrili, da kdo prodaja rogljičke in druge izdelke, ki imajo več teh kislin, ga bodo kaznovali.

If inspectors find that someone sells croissants and other products that have more of these acids, they will be penalized.

Veliki trgovci in proizvajalci pravijo, da so pripravljeni na nova pravila.

Large traders and manufacturers say they are ready for the new rules.

Transmaščobne kisline škodijo predvsem srcu in žilam.

Trans fatty acids mainly harm the heart and veins.

Najbolj znano živilo, ki jih vsebuje, je margarina. Čeprav jo znajo narediti tako, da vsebuje manj teh škodljivih kislin, vsi izdelovalci sladkih dobrot še ne uporabljajo sodobno izdelane margarine.

The most famous food containing these is margarine. Although it can be made in such a way that it contain less of these harmful acids, not all manufacturers of sweet treats use such margarines.

Strokovnjaki zato svetujejo, da smo pozorni predvsem na živila, kot so piškoti ali rogljički, ki so narejeni v velikih količinah oziroma ki so industrijsko narejeni.

Experts therefore advise us to pay particular attention to foods, such as biscuits or croissants, which are made in large quantities or which are industrially made.

Ker so v živilih še druge škodljive snovi, so v Sloveniji pred kratkim predstavili aplikacijo, ki spremlja sestavine v živilih.

Since there are other harmful substances in foods, an app has been recently introduced in Slovenia that monitors ingredients in foods.

Imenuje se Veš, kaj ješ? Lahko jo naložiš na telefon in na preprost način izveš, koliko škodljivih snovi ima neko živilo.

It's called Do you know what you eat? You can install it on a phone and easily find out how many harmful ingredients a food has.

Če zasveti rdeča luč, je bolje, da se mu izogneš. Rumena barva sporoča, da je treba biti previden; ne pretiravaj s količino. In če se pokaže zelena, je živilo primerno zate.

If the red light turns on, it's better to avoid it. If it’s yellow, thius tells you to be cautious; do not overdo it. And if it turns green, the food is good for you.

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