Slovene-English Dual Text: Protestirajo Otroci, Protestirajo Odrasli

By , 16 Dec 2018, 15:44 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Protestirajo Otroci, Protestirajo Odrasli Conmongt CC-by-0

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Protestirajo otroci, protestirajo odrasli

Protesting children, protesting adults

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

 Vsakdo ima pravico do izobraževanja in vsakdo ima pravico do počitka. Vsakdo ima pravico do dela in vsakdo ima pravico do takšne življenjske ravni, ki zagotavlja njemu in njegovi družini zdravje in blaginjo.

Everyone has the right to education and everyone has the right to time off. Everyone has the right to work and everyone has the right to such a standard of living that provides them and their family with health and well-being.

To med drugim piše v splošni deklaraciji človekovih pravic. Sprejeli so jo 10. decembra pred sedemdesetimi leti v Parizu.

This is said, among other things, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was adopted on December 10, 1970 in Paris.

Ob letošnjem svetovnem dnevu človekovih pravic v Združenih narodih (ZN) poudarjajo, da so človekove pravice univerzalne in večne; pripadajo vsem enako, ne glede na starost, spol ali barvo kože.

This year's World Human Rights Day in the United Nations (UN) marks that human rights are universal and eternal, and belong the same to everyone, regardless of age, sex or colour of their skin.

To na primer pomeni, da imajo tudi otroci pravico do zdravega življenjskega okolja.

For example, this means that children also have the right to a healthy living environment.

Odrasli na to pogosto pozabijo. Otroci jih zato vse glasneje opozarjajo, naj vendar poskrbijo za okolje in s tem za prihodnost otrok in planeta. Ker jim niso prisluhnili, so denimo že protestirali otroci na Švedskem in otroci v Avstraliji.

Adults often forget about this. Children are thus warning them, loudly, that they should take care of the environment and thus the future of both young people and the planet. For example, because adults ignore them children in Sweden and Australia have already protested.

In tudi zdaj ne kaže, da se bodo svetovni voditelj uspeli dogovoriti, kako bodo na primer izpeljali, kar so sklenili pred tremi leti v Parizu.

And now it does not seem like global leaders will succeed in agreeing on how to achieve what they set out three years ago in Paris.

V tem mestu pa sedaj že več tednov protestirajo odrasli v rumenih jopičih.

Now in the same city, for weeks now, people in yellow jackets have been protesting protest.

Na ulice so se odpravili, ker je francoska vlada želela zvišati cene goriva. Zbrani denar je želela nameniti ravno zaščiti okolja. A ljudje so se uprli, ker menijo, da si goriva po taki ceni ne morejo privoščiti.

They went to the streets because the French government wanted to raise fuel prices. The aim was to collect money to protect the environment. But people resisted because they felt that they could not afford fuel at this price.

Vlada se je nato odločila, da goriva ne bo podražila.

The government then decided not to raise the price of fuel.

Kljub temu so se protesti v Parizu nadaljevali. Protestniki zdaj zahtevajo nižje davke, višjo minimalno plačo in več ugodnosti za upokojene. Njihovi pohodi niso več mirni, saj pri tem sežigajo vozila in razbijajo izložbe. Tudi ta konec tedna je bilo nekaj ljudi celo ranjenih.

Nevertheless, the Paris protests continued. Demonstrators now demand lower taxes, a higher minimum wage and more benefits for retired people. Their marches are no longer peaceful, as they burn vehicles and break up store displays. This weekend there were even some people who were wounded.

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