Slovene-English Dual Text: Zdrava Hrana v Slovenskih Šolah

By , 06 Oct 2018, 16:11 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Zdrava Hrana v Slovenskih Šolah JL Flanner

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation.  

Zdrava hrana v slovenskih šolah

Healthy food in Slovenian schools

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Ali veš, da kuhinje v naših šolah veljajo za najboljše v Evropi?

Do you know that the food in our schools is considered the best in Europe?

Skoraj vsi otroci v šoli malicate, mnogi kosite in veliko jih v šoli tudi zajtrkuje.

Almost all children at school have a mid-morning snack, many have lunch and as lot also have breakfast at school.

Šole učencem ponujajo do štiri obroke na dan.

Schools offer pupils up to four meals a day.

Prav zato je zelo pomembno, da so obroki zdravi. Za to skrbijo organizatorji šolske prehrane. Sestavljajo jedilnike in pazijo, da so živila sveža, zdrava, in če se le da, lokalno pridelana.

That is why it is very important that the meals are healthy. Organic nutritionists take care of this. They compose the menus and make sure that the food is fresh, healthy, and if possible, locally produced.

Skoraj vse šole so vključene še v šolsko shemo. To pomeni, da učencem brezplačno delijo sadje in zelenjavo ter mleko in mlečne izdelke. Denar za ta živila zagotavlja Evropska unija.

Almost all schools are included in the school scheme. This means that students get fruit and vegetables free of charge and milk and dairy products too. The money for these foods is provided by the European Union.

V Evropski uniji namreč želijo omejiti prekomerno telesno težo in debelost pri otrocih. Dolgoletne študije so pokazale, da lahko prav na ta način poskrbijo za zdravje otrok.

The European Union wants to limit overweight and obesity in children. Many years of studies have shown that they can protect the health of children in this way.

V shemi sodeluje tudi OŠ Franceta Bevka iz Ljubljane.

The scheme also includes the elementary school France Bevka in Ljubljana.

»Vključili smo se v lanskem šolskem letu, ko je enotna shema nadomestila prejšnji ločeni shemi razdeljevanja sadja in mleka. Pred tem v shemo mleka nismo bili vključeni, saj je bilo vse skupaj preveč zapleteno pa tudi višina pomoči je bila nizka,« pojasnjuje ravnateljica Barbara Kampjut.

"We joined the last school year when the single scheme replaced the previous separate distribution scheme for fruit and milk. Before that, we were not involved in the milk scheme, because it was all too complicated and the amount of aid was low, "explains director Barbara Kampjut.

Na šoli so se morali letos znova prijaviti in se ob prijavi tudi odločiti, ali bodo razdeljevali le sadje in zelenjavo ali oboje. Odločili so se za oboje.

The school had to register again this year and decide whether to get only fruit and vegetables or both [fruit and vegetables and dairy products]. They decided for both.

Učenci pravijo, da so s hrano na šoli zadovoljni.

Students say they are happy with food at school.

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