Slovene-English Dual Text: Teleskop James Webb Je Poslal Prve Posnetke Oddaljenih Galaksij

By , 18 Jul 2022, 17:48 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Teleskop James Webb Je Poslal Prve Posnetke Oddaljenih Galaksij Photo: NASA

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Teleskop James Webb je poslal prve posnetke oddaljenih galaksij

The James Webb Telescope has sent the first images of distant galaxies

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Teleskop James Webb je dokazal svoje velike zmogljivosti. Poslal nam je prve fotografije.

The James Webb Telescope has demonstrated its great capabilities. It sent us the first photos.

Ta teleskop je namenjen predvsem preučevanju oddaljenih planetov in galaksij. Skupaj so ga razvile vesoljske agencije ZDA, Evropske unije in Kanade.

This telescope is primarily intended for the study of distant planets and galaxies. It was jointly developed by the space agencies of the United States, the European Union and Canada.

Pri razvoju enega od instrumentov na teleskopu je sodelovala tudi slovenska astrofizičarka, dr. Maruša Bradač.

A Slovenian astrophysicist also participated in the development of one of the instruments on the telescope, Dr. Maruša Bradač.

V torek je prvo težko pričakovano fotografijo predstavil predsednik ZDA Joe Biden. Naslednji dan so pokazali še preostale.

On Tuesday, the first long-awaited photo was presented by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. The next day they showed the rest.

»Teleskop Webb lahko opazuje zelo oddaljene galaksije, ki so tudi več kot 13 milijard svetlobnih let daleč. Vidi jih takšne, kot so bile, ko je bilo vesolje še zelo mlado,« pravi astrofizičarka prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc.

“The Webb Telescope can observe very distant galaxies, even more than 13 billion light-years away. He sees them as they were when the universe was still very young," says astrophysicist prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc.

»Vidi lahko tudi skozi oblake plina in prahu, ki obdajajo zvezde, ki se šele rojevajo.«

"It can also see through the clouds of gas and dust that surround stars that are just being born."

Prva fotografija, ki jo je Nasa delila z javnostjo, je fotografija jate galaksij SMACS 0723. Leži v ozvezdju Leteče ribe na južnem nebu. Od nas je tako oddaljena, da jo vidimo takšno, kakršna je bila pred 4,6 milijarde let.

The first image that NASA shared with the public is that of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. It lies in the constellation of the “Flying Fish” [Piscis Volans] in the southern sky. It is so far away from us that we see it as it was 4.6 billion years ago.

Presenetljiva je tudi fotografija »zvezdne porodnišnice« NGC 3324. Gre za ogromen oblak prahu in plinov. Na nekaterih mestih se seseda vase, pri tem pa nastajajo nove zvezde.

The photo of the "stellar maternity hospital" NGC 3324 is also surprising. It is a huge cloud of dust and gases. In some places it collapses in on itself, and in the process new stars are formed.

Fotografija je tako natančna, da lahko raziskovalci vidijo mehurčke, vdolbine in izbruhe iz novorojenih zvezd.

The photo is so detailed that researchers can see bubbles, indentations and bursts from newborn stars.

“Teleskop s posebnimi instrumenti proučuje tudi sestavo atmosfer na planetih, ki se gibljejo okoli drugih sonc. Odkriva, ali je na njih voda in kisik, za katera vemo, da sta nujno potrebna za življenje na Zemlj,.” prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc

“Using special instruments, the telescope also studies the composition of atmospheres on planets that move around other suns. It detects whether there is water and oxygen on them, which we know are absolutely necessary for life on Earth,” Prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc

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