Slovene-English Dual Text: Dunking Devils Preskočili Lokomotivo

By , 24 Feb 2018, 11:24 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Dunking Devils Preskočili Lokomotivo Screenshot from one of the YouTube videos

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

February 24, 2018

Kako so Dunking Devils preskočili lokomotivo in prišli v zgodovino

How the Dunking Devils jumped a locomotive and entered history

Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc and translated by JL Flanner

Ste vedeli, da lahko človek preskoči vlak? Ne? Tudi mi nismo, dokler nismo videli, kako je to uspelo fantom iz akrobatske skupine Dunking Devils.

Did you know that a man can jump a train? No? We didn’t either, until we saw how the boys from the acrobatic group Dunking Devils managed to do this.

Saj jih poznate, kajne? To so tisti fantje, ki so zasloveli z akrobatskim zabijanjem žog v koš.

You know them, don’t you? They are those guys who are known for using acrobatics to put balls in baskets.

Zdaj so postali znani tudi zunaj meja Slovenije.

Now they have become famous outside the borders of Slovenia.

V zadnjih tednih so namreč posneli 10-delno spletno serijo, s katero promovirajo Facebookovo platformo Facebook Watch. K sodelovanju jih je skupaj s Filipom in Blažem iz skupine F&B Acrobatics povabil ustanovitelj Facebooka Mark Zuckerberg.

In the last few weeks, they have recorded a 10-part online series promoting Facebook's platform Facebook Watch. In cooperation with Filip & Blaž from the F & B Acrobatics Group, they were invited [to join the project] by Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg.

Spletna platforma Facebook Watch želi konkurirati spletnim ponudnikom video vsebin, kot so Netflix, YouTube in Amazon Prime. Da bi gledalci že takoj na začetku lahko spremljali zanimive vsebine, so v Facebooku poleg slovenskih akrobatov k sodelovanju povabili ustvarjalce revije National Geographic in igralce Billa Murraya, Jessico Alba, Elizabeth Olsen in Orlanda Blooma.

Facebook Watch wants to compete with online video providers such as Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime. In order to provide users with interesting content from the start, the producers of National Geographic magazine and the actors Bill Murray, Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Olsen and Orlando Bloom have all been invited to participate, along with the Slovenian acrobats.

Spletno serijo Fly Guys so Dunking Devils dva meseca in pol snemali na desetih lokacijah. Devet epizod je posnetih v Sloveniji: v Kopru, Ljubljani, na Bloškem jezeru, v kamnolomu Verd, na Gradu Snežnik, na Veliki Planini in v muzeju Slovenskih železnic. Med snemanjem so izpeljali številne vratolomne podvige: zabijali so na avto vlaku, skakali na tovornem vlaku, nazadnje pa preskočili muzejski vlak!

The Fly Guys online series was filmed in ten locations by the Dunking Devils over two and a half months. Nine episodes were recorded in Slovenia: in Koper, Ljubljana, Lake Bloke, Verd quarry, Snežnik Castle, Velika Planina and the Museum of Slovenian Railways. During the shooting a number of breakthroughs were achieved: they were shooting on a train, jumping on a freight train, and finally jumping over the museum train!

Facebook Watch je za zdaj na voljo le v ZDA. Tretjo epizodo si kljub temu že lahko ogledate na Facebook strani Dunking Devils.

Facebook Watch is currently only available in the US. You can still see the third episode on the Facebook page of the Dunking Devils.

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