Slovene-English Dual Text: Danes Je Dan Brez Pouka

By , 17 Feb 2018, 16:02 PM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Danes bodo številni vrtci in šole zaprti

Today, many kindergartens and schools will be closed

Written by Mojca Štruc and translated by JL Flanner

Mame, ki ima več otrok, si najbrž ni težko predstavljati. Pa si lahko predstavljaš, da bi ta mama na mizo postavila torto, nato pa enemu otroku odrezala mnogo večji kos kot preostalim? Le kako bi se počutili drugi otroci? Verjetno bi hitro nastal prepir.

It’s not difficult to imagine a mother who has more than one child. But can you imagine that such a mother would put a cake on the table and then cut a much bigger slice for one child than the others? How would the other children feel? It’s likely that an argument would quickly break out.

Podobno se zadnje čase počutijo zaposleni v javnem sektorju. To so na primer zdravniki, medicinske sestre, učitelji, policisti, poklicni gasilci … Ker je njihovo delo zelo pomembno za vse, plačo prejemajo od države.

Employees in the public sector feel something similar lately. These are people like, for example, doctors, nurses, teachers, police officers, firemen ... Because their work is very important for everyone, they receive salaries from the state.

V lanskem letu so se zdravniki dogovorili za boljše plačilo. To je nekako tako, kot da bi se en otrok dogovoril za večji kos torte. Seveda ga zdaj hočejo tudi vsi ostali!

Last year the doctors reached an agreement for better pay. This is like seeing one child get an agreement for a bigger piece of cake. Of course, everyone else wants it now!

Medicinske sestre, policisti, učitelji, vzgojitelji in nekateri drugi so se nekaj mesecev poskušali dogovoriti s predstavniki države, da bi tudi oni prejemali višje plače. A ti pravijo, da toliko denarja ni na voljo.

Nurses, police officers, teachers, educators and some others tried to negotiate with state representatives for several months to receive higher salaries. But the state said that the money needed for this is not available.

Ker se mnogim ne zdi pošteno, da njihovo delo ni ustrezno nagrajeno, še posebej zdaj, ko so časi dobri, zaposleni v javnem sektorju ta teden stavkajo. Med krizo, ko so bili slabi časi, so se namreč odrekli delu svoje plače.

Because it does not seem fair to many that their work is not properly rewarded, especially now that times are good, public sector employees are striking this week. During the crisis, when the times were bad, these employees gave up part of their salaries.

Danes stavkajo vzgojitelji, učitelji in drugi strokovni delavci v šolstvu, zato so zaprti številni vrtci in šole. Prišli bodo v službo, vendar ne bodo opravljali svojega dela. S tem želijo državo opomniti, da jim mora prisluhniti.

Today teachers and other staff in education are involved [in the strike], and many kindergartens and schools are closed. They will come to work, but they will not do their jobs. By doing so, they want to remind the state that it has to listen to them.

Nekateri stavkajoči bodo odšli na protestni shod. V središču Ljubljane bodo z glasnimi vzkliki opozarjali na svoje zahteve, da bi jih država bolje slišala.

Some strikers will go to a protest rally. In the center of Ljubljana, and with loud cries, they will draw attention to their demands, so that the state can hear them better.

Danes je torej dan brez pouka. Vredno ga je izkoristiti za kaj lepega!

Today, it is a day without classes. It's worth taking advantage of something beautiful!

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