Slovene-English Dual Text: Najbolj Globoko Živeča Riba Na Svetu

By , 06 Jan 2018, 13:27 PM How to Slovenia
Pseudoliparis swirei Pseudoliparis swirei Photo: Mackenzie Gerringer, University of Washington

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

The deepest living fish in the world

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Osem tisoč metrov pod morsko gladino plava najbolj globoko živeča riba na svetu.

Eight thousand meters below sea level, swims the world's deepest living fish.

Morski biologi so jo ulovili v Marianskem jarku. Ta leži na dnu Tihega oceana med Japonsko in Filipini in je s skoraj 11 tisoč metri globine najgloblji del oceanov.

Marine biologists caught it in the Mariana Trench. This lies at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and the Philippines. and is the deepest part of the oceans, at almost 11,000 meters deep.

Mnogi si predstavljamo, da je življenje tam spodaj težko in osamljeno. Prav nasprotno! Živih bitij, ki so se dobro prilagodila na življenje v popolni temi, kar mrgoli.

We might imagine that life is hard and lonely down there, but not at all! Living beings have adapted well to life in the perfect darkness, which teems with activity.

Novoodkrita riba je dolga približno 20 centimetrov in je brez lusk. Njena koža je prozorna, zato lahko skozi njo vidimo notranje organe in celo rakce, ki jih je pojedla.

The newly-discovered fish is about 20 centimeters long and has no scales. Her skin is transparent, so you can see through to her the internal organs and even the shrimp she ate.

Raziskovalci so jih v globinah Tihega oceana našteli mnogo, zato menijo, da je ta vrsta ribe dobro prilagojena na svoje življenjsko okolje.

Researchers have found a lot of these fish in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and thus believe that this type is well adapted to its living environment.

»V takšnih globinah rib ne ogrožajo plenilci,« pravi raziskovalec Thomas Linley z angleške Univerze v Newcastlu. »Na dno jarka hrana dobesedno dežuje, zato so ribe lepo rejene.«

“In such depths, fish are not threatened by predators,” says researcher Thomas Linley of the University of Newcastle, England. “It's literally raining food down at the bottom, so the fish are well-fed."

Znanstveniki še ne vedo natančno, kako lahko živali prenesejo ogromen tlak, ki je v tako globoki vodi. Vsakih deset metrov globine se tlak namreč poveča za en bar. Na globini osem tisoč metrov je tlak torej tako visok, kot če bi slon stal na našem palcu.

Scientists do not yet know exactly how animals can withstand the immense pressure that is in such deep waters. For every ten meters of depth, the pressure is increased by one bar. At a depth of eight thousand meters, the pressure is so high it’s as if an elephant was standing on our thumb.



Plenilci so živali, ki lovijo druge živali in se z njimi prehranjujejo.

Predators are animals that catch and feed on other animals.

Bar je enota za merjenje tlaka. Normalen zračni tlak je približno 1 bar.

A bar is a unit of measurement for pressure. The normal air pressure is approximately 1 bar.

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