Slovene-English Dual Text: Začetek Počitnic Je Tu!

By , 29 Jun 2018, 15:46 PM How to Slovenia
Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, the Minister of Education, Science, and Sport Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, the Minister of Education, Science, and Sport

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Začetek Počitnic Je Tu!

The Start of the Holidays is Here!

Written by Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, translated by JL Flanner

Drage učenke in učenci, začetek počitnic je tu. Juhu!

Dear students, the beginning of the holiday is here. Yahoo!

Začetek brezskrbnosti, potepanj, raziskovanj, branja, morda kakšnih drobnih iskric, novih spoznavanj, novih prijateljstev. Zaslužili ste si to. Čestitam vam za dosežen uspeh. Vem, da ni bilo vedno enostavno. S trudom ste si priborili nova znanja in veščine. Izobrazba je najmočnejše orodje, s katerim lahko spreminjate svet. Znanje je tisto, česar vam nihče nikoli ne more odvzeti. In znanje je lastnost samozavestnih ljudi. Tistih, ki veste, kaj hočete. In tistih, ki si želite po tej poti naprej.

The start of a carefree time, but with trips, explorations, reading, perhaps some tiny sparks, new insights, new friendships. You deserve it. Congratulations on your success. I know it was not always easy. With effort you gained new skills and knowledge. Education is the most powerful tool to change the world. Knowledge is what no one can ever take away from you. And knowledge is the property of self-confident people. Those who know what you want. And those who want to go on this way.

Šolsko leto je bilo dolgo, polno izzivov, lepih dogodkov, lepih ocen in tudi kakšnega razočaranja. Pričakovanja do vseh vas so bila velika, morda včasih tudi prevelika. Zato ostanite takšni, kot ste. Najdite pravo mero sami v sebi, ko govorimo o odličnosti in tudi sproščenosti, pa tudi pri uživanju v novih znanjih.

The school year was long, full of challenges, nice events, good grades and some disappointments. Expectations for all of you were great, sometimes too big. So stay as you are. Find the right measure yourself when talking about excellence and relaxation, as well as enjoying new knowledge.

Kaj vam želim med počitnicami? Predvsem, da ne bi bili samo digitalni. Prisluhnite staršem, ko bodo rekli, da je bilo dovolj telefona, računalnika in tablice in da pojdimo raje v naravo ali pa med knjige.

What do you want to do during the holidays? First of all, it would not be just digital. Listen to your parents when they say that you’ve had enough phone, computer and tablet, and let's go out into nature or read a book.

Počitnice izkoristite za sprostitev, druženje s prijatelji. Želim vam veliko gibanja, zlasti na prostem. Privoščite si kakšen trenutek, ko ne boste počeli prav ničesar. Morda se vam prav takrat utrnejo kakšne dobre ideje.

Take a vacation to relax, hang out with your friends. I hope you do a lot of movement, especially in the open air. Treat yourself to some moments when you will not do anything. Perhaps you will have a good idea at that time.

Uživajte na počitnicah! Ne pozabite pa tudi na tiste, ki jih morda ne morejo preživljati tako brezskrbno.

Enjoy your holidays! But also don’t forget about those who may not be able to live in such a carefree manner.

Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, ministrica za izobraževanje, znanost in šport

Dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič, the Minister of Education, Science, and Sport

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